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I don't tell people that I am about to offer a beer to, that it's homebrew.
Homebrew conjures up memories of horrible nasty stuff for most folk.

I have never met a kit brewer who has tried my beers, and who thinks there's are better,
I just had a terrible thought........is it possible they were just being kind to you?
You know, going along with the gag?
If I couldn't make beer that was infinitely better than their woolworths brand lager fermented at 36degrees, well shucks, I'd sell all my gear and take up a new hobby.

Doing the BJCP course made me a beer snob. The reality is that an awful lot of homebrew/craftbrew is crap and flawed. If they asked for feedback, I wouldn't hesitate to tell someone their beer was terrible. If they didn't ask, I would find somewhere to tip it.

Life's too short to drink crap beer....even/especially if it's cheap!
home brew all the way

all this modern fancy naming for things....

i brew caus like everyone else here you enjoy it, if people don't like it caus of the term home brew than that is there issue and means more beer for your self :)
I've gone back to calling it homebrew. ..
I am always happy to tell people that I make homebrew some are interested, some aren't and some are cocks.
If they want to relate it to crap beer and moonshine without trying it, thats their choice, fuckem'.
Dont worry . Cocks are found where ever you go, even at the AHB website.

I find bits of food in my beard sometimes.
you are a funny guy manticle. ..and a very real guy too. I always enjoy your posts, and hope to meet you one day.

For me the difference is whether you are brewing for Taste or Alcohol.


Well, he might have been a wanker, but silverside is a cut of beef, and corned beef is beef that has been salt cured. In Australia we generally use silverside to make corned beef, but the two are not the same things.
ty for taking to time to differentiate the two words.
I think you missed the point. All of us had corned silverside in our sandwiches, and all of us enjoyed our sandwiches.

To the craft-brewers, I am touched that you brewing Gods take your time to visit www.aussiehomebrewer.com.
Maybe you should find a new web site. You dont want your craft-beer to be inadvertently associated with mere home-brew.

Actually, I actually no longer home-brew.
and have actually skipped craft-brewing..
I awesomebrew.

I have formed my own web site, and have my forum www.awsomebrewers.com.au

.. anyone with their hand on it is welcome to apply.

I think its sad, that some people with more time or DI on their hands,
.. think they have the moral high ground to look down on others who are doing their best and trying their hardest using the money and time they have to make the best beer they can.

I wonder whether the snobs in the AG community also have a mini-pecking order, based on:
1. who does or doesnt mill their own grain.
2. who does or doesnt grown their own hops
3. who does or doesnt culture their own yeast???
I know there are other AGers who are bloody nice blokes, and to you I salute.
Don't worry . Cocks are found where ever you go, even at the AHB website.

you are a funny guy manticle. ..and a very "real" guy too. I always enjoy your posts, and hope to meet you one day.


ty for taking to time to differentiate the two words.
I think you missed the point. All of us had "corned silverside" in our sandwiches, and all of us enjoyed our sandwiches.

To the "craft-brewers", I am touched that you brewing Gods take your time to visit www.aussiehomebrewer.com.
Maybe you should find a new web site. You don't want your "craft-beer" to be inadvertently associated with mere home-brew.

Actually, I actually no longer home-brew.
and have actually skipped craft-brewing..
I awesomebrew.

I have formed my own web site, and have my forum www.awsomebrewers.com.au

.. anyone with their hand on it is welcome to apply.

I think it's sad, that some people with more time or DI on their hands,
.. think they have the moral high ground to look down on others who are doing their best and trying their hardest using the money and time they have to make the best beer they can.

I wonder whether the snobs in the AG community also have a mini-pecking order, based on:
1. who does or doesn't mill their own grain.
2. who does or doesn't grown their own hops
3. who does or doesn't culture their own yeast???
I know there are other AGers who are bloody nice blokes, and to you I salute.

What point are you trying to make here? :blink:
Sorry,"www.awsomebrewers.com.au" does not exist or is not available. #dymresults

Well that was dissappointing. Looks likethe homebrewers in Milwaukee are snobby wankers. ehhhhhhh sit on it.
Dont worry . Cocks are found where ever you go, even at the AHB website.


To the craft-brewers, I am touched that you brewing Gods take your time to visit www.aussiehomebrewer.com.
Maybe you should find a new web site. You dont want your craft-beer to be inadvertently associated with mere home-brew.

So even though you have been a member for less than a year, you feel it's your role to decide who uses the site?

I agree with your above comment even more now.
Sorry,"www.awsomebrewers.com.au" does not exist or is not available. #dymresults

Well that was dissappointing. Looks likethe homebrewers in Milwaukee are snobby wankers. ehhhhhhh sit on it.
I think you'll find if you give your browser a sharp hit to the side the page will start working.
I think you'll find if you give your browser a sharp hit to the side the page will start working.

I did that and it started playing some slow song about putting my head on your shoulder..............

Come to think of it Incider tried to do that to me at a swap once :huh:
So even though you have been a member for less than a year, you feel it's your role to decide who uses the site?
I'm happy for everone who have any interest in home brewing to use the site.
I was just flagging to the "craft-brewers not home brewers" that maybe they've outgrown the site.
Looks likethe homebrewers in Milwaukee are snobby wankers. ehhhhhhh sit on it.

I think you'll find if you give your browser a sharp hit to the side the page will start working.

To the craft-brewers, I am touched that you brewing Gods take your time to visit www.aussiehomebrewer.com.
Maybe you should find a new web site. You dont want your craft-beer to be inadvertently associated with mere home-brew

Your taking the piss right? You have been a member here for 5 mins and are telling 70% of the brewers here they are up themselves! Maybe you should find a new site.

Are you BribieG?
Your taking the piss right? You have been a member here for 5 mins and are telling 70% of the brewers here they are up themselves! Maybe you should find a new site.

Are you BribieG?

Why would you think that?
His {michael aussie} post is contrary to anything Bribie has ever posted.
Just wondering how you came by that train of thought?
Manticle ,I think you are saying that toasting some bread and opening up a can of baked beans is actually cooking an exquisite meal. :lol:
I'm a snob and love it.


All exquisite meals contain bacon.
My issue with your original post is that you seem to be suggesting that unless you ag then you might as well just use a can of goo, a kilo of white sugar, kit yeast and ferment at 35C. In doing so you ignore and at the same time disparage any of the steps in between. There would be a lot of brewers on this site like myself who are not yet (or perhaps for various reaons never will) ag brewers who find this suggestion annoying. I kits n bits and extract brew and will soon start doing partials, but just like you don't want my brew grouped with the nasty k&k stuff to which you refer.

Its been said many times before on this site that it is possible to get great extract beer and shit ag beer which suggests that while method is important that the planning stage is also crucial. The majority of people on this site don't just chuck their brew together, with a style or end result in mind they choose ingredients, hop schedule yeast etc and I think this is where the 'craft' aspect comes in. Ultimately its the resulting beer thats important.

Good post earle.

Whilst i am a mash brewer as of two years ago (still a long way to go though), there are plenty of K&K brewers out there making fine beer and spending time constructing recipes and putting a lot of thought into their processes. It's been said many times over by now, but many beers have taken out awards in beer comps using tins of goo.

Whilst i have never been pleased with MY efforts of beer production using cans (now completely satisfied since going AG), i think it's important not to discriminate between the different methods to put beer together.
I still use cans when my stock levels are in trouble and need something quick that i'll "be happy to drink", and i think the thought process and amount of effort expelled is a worthy requirement to be proud of anyones beers.


My best stouts came from extract. And I could produce a consistent result as well, as the end user (me) and his flaws had less of a bearing on the outcome, as the main ingredients were, in some way, pre-prepared.

I have had the last 2 AG batches go bung, because of poor temp control. Given I always brewed K&K in winter, I'd never put enough thought into temp control as such, it was naturally done, by virtue of fantastic winter brewing temps in Qld. They were my worst beers ever.

As earle and BigNath said - the process and the attention to these details will result in better beer regardless of ingredients used. Having said that, the same beer produced with the same attention to these details will be better as an AG beer, as the ingredients are fresher.

But the greater degree of variation with AG means that this comparison could never be fair, because for all the extra benefits one gets from AG ingredients, one gives up benefits to extract brewing with consistency of product (extract). I would feel more confident of knocking out my best beer with AG (and my worst as well), whereas I would feel more confident of achieving a consistently good result with extract brewing. If that result happens to be a fantastic beer, then for some, extract brewing will be their zenith.

Horses, courses, etc.

To put it all in very simple terms - its not what you do , its how you go about doing it that counts, caring and planning for a brew , giving it your fullest attention from start to finish.

I think its been said? theres a difference in slapping together a quick brew for alcohol to get drunk and not really caring for it and then there is taking the time to craft something that you hope will bring you pleasure in terms of taste, the alcohol is just a by-product of the whole process.

my 2 bob
My issue with your original post is that you seem to be suggesting that unless you ag then you might as well just use a can of goo, a kilo of white sugar, kit yeast and ferment at 35C. In doing so you ignore and at the same time disparage any of the steps in between. There would be a lot of brewers on this site like myself who are not yet (or perhaps for various reaons never will) ag brewers who find this suggestion annoying. I kits n bits and extract brew and will soon start doing partials, but just like you don't want my brew grouped with the nasty k&k stuff to which you refer.

Its been said many times before on this site that it is possible to get great extract beer and shit ag beer which suggests that while method is important that the planning stage is also crucial. The majority of people on this site don't just chuck their brew together, with a style or end result in mind they choose ingredients, hop schedule yeast etc and I think this is where the 'craft' aspect comes in. Ultimately its the resulting beer thats important.

Post of the week

it is something I originally saw about the place with he elitist side of AG, however that passed after a while.

it is not just brewing though take most things there are elitist people in it.
My issue with your original post is that you seem to be suggesting that unless you ag then you might as well just use a can of goo, a kilo of white sugar, kit yeast and ferment at 35C. In doing so you ignore and at the same time disparage any of the steps in between. There would be a lot of brewers on this site like myself who are not yet (or perhaps for various reaons never will) ag brewers who find this suggestion annoying. I kits n bits and extract brew and will soon start doing partials, but just like you don't want my brew grouped with the nasty k&k stuff to which you refer.

Its been said many times before on this site that it is possible to get great extract beer and shit ag beer which suggests that while method is important that the planning stage is also crucial. The majority of people on this site don't just chuck their brew together, with a style or end result in mind they choose ingredients, hop schedule yeast etc and I think this is where the 'craft' aspect comes in. Ultimately its the resulting beer thats important.

Are you saying youre a craft brewer or a home brewer?

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