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It's pretty funny how many homebrewe...erm...people who make beer at home seem to have the exact same prejudices against homebrew that they lament in the broader community.
I couldn't agree more Bum.

There's always going to be home-made beers of differing quality - there's no reason at all they can't all exist under the same banner.
I couldn't agree more Bum.
ironicially more in here judge a beer (brewer) by HOW it was made rather than the end RESULT.

Difference between a cook and a chef possibly?? I'm a cook therefore caned baked beans for me. My son is a chef - he'll get his beans and make them from scratch.
No fart icon - disappointing....
and to take this analogy further, some chef cook meals aren't as tasty as home cooked meals using some pre-processed ingredients. .

I find the snobbery by certain individuals at AHB pathetic.
It is the only unpalatable thing about this web site.
What snobbery do you speak of? You either brew beer or you dont. Its as simple as that.
brew at home = homebrewer

brew at home to select recipe and ingredients so as to get a predicted outcome in product = craftbeer

sometimes I can even homebrew craftbeer :blink: or is that craftbrew homebeer :blink:

all in how you look at it I guess

Craftbrewers crochet their own BIABags and sew pompoms onto their hopsocks.

I just make beer. Stop trying to label me, man.
I agree there is a definitely a prejudice against home brew - if I call my beer home brew people don't even want to try it.

However if call it craft brew - I generally end up with with blank stares.

I get a much better response telling people I have my own micro brewery. ie its micro-brew.
I've gone back to calling it homebrew. Non brewers that have tried my beers will bring it up in conversation and will ask what types of beers I've been brewing with interest. The relos dont bother bringing beers over to my place anymore and will usually try each beer on tap and usually have a few.
I am always happy to tell people that I make homebrew some are interested, some aren't and some are cocks.
If they want to relate it to crap beer and moonshine without trying it, thats their choice, fuckem'.

+1 iamozziyob post..we brew it a home and craft that requires some particular kind of skilled work..majority follow a recipe,some just a can opener..but its a skill to know when to add the ingredients(yeast/hops/grain's and even sugar/salt)
I find the people who do thing-A are attribute-B.
I know I'm dreaming, but what I would love to see is one of the major networks create a TV show about homebrewing using the same formula as the successful amateur chef/cooking shows such as Masterchef or My Kitchen Rules. These shows are successful because they show the average person sitting at home that with a little effort, they can create restaurant quality food dishes at home and impress their family and friends. I reckon it would also work with beer.

I think it would do a lot to open people's minds and remove some of the stigma associated with home brewed beer.

Besides, I wouldn't mind being a contestant on Masterbrewer or My Brewhouse Rules. :icon_cheers:
You are dreaming, my kitchen rules and Master chef are not a success.
I don't tell people that I am about to offer a beer to, that it's homebrew.
Homebrew conjures up memories of horrible nasty stuff for most folk.

I have invested 20 obsessive years of my life trying to perfect this craft (although I know I never will).
What I do is craft (and even art at times).
Putting a tin of goo into a bucket to save some money on piss is not.

I actually enjoy the making of beer as much (if not more) than the drinking. I love all the techincal stuff.

If I choose to call myself a craftbrewer, (and by extension distance myself from goo brewers), then that's my business.

I have never met a kit brewer who has tried my beers, and who thinks there's are better, but I have met heaps who are not interested in AG, and that's cool as well if they enjoy what they make, but they are not in the same league in terms of product or knowledge, that I am.


As Donal Duck Dunn said,"If the shit fits, wear it"!
What I do is craft (and even art at times).
Putting a tin of goo into a bucket to save some money on piss is not.

However sprucing up a kit, making an extract brew, steeping grains or making a partial mash brew is (or can be if the beer maker cares about the end product).
Manticle ,I think you are saying that toasting some bread and opening up a can of baked beans is actually cooking an exquisite meal. :lol:
I'm a snob and love it.
For me the difference is whether you are brewing for Taste or Alcohol.

Carried to extremes its whether you make decision based on price alone or on how the beer is going to taste regardless of price, thats obviously the opposite ends of a spectrum and it isnt always going to be an either or decision, but look at your prime motivator to see where you stand.


I had a mate at school who was didn't eat "corned beef" only ate "silverside".
The rest agreed he was a wanker.

Well, he might have been a wanker, but silverside is a cut of beef, and corned beef is beef that has been salt cured. In Australia we generally use silverside to make corned beef, but the two are not the same things.