High Temperature Hose Selection - Be Careful!

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Silicon all the way... B)

Why stuff ass around with PVC in the first place?

Anyway lets move onto the evils of hose clamps.... :ph34r:

awww :( .

dont make him sit in the corner for a timeout :p

Sit in the corner, I'll take the bloody slipper to the little **** !

Silicon all the way... B)

Why stuff ass around with PVC in the first place?

lots of people apparently do

Anyway lets move onto the evils of hose clamps.... :ph34r:


if you get metal fittings hot enough and then attach a pvc hose you dont need hose clamps :p
christ on a bike, this ***** out of control :lol:

5 pages about a bit of pipe that no doubt had mould in it...
What did everyone use before that brittle rediculously priced silicone stuff come along? Green garden hose stretched in the sun removing the kinks :lol:

I use Parker washdown ex Clark Rubber rated from memory 150psi@90deg, the high range was well above 99deg less psi, excellent stuff but pricey.

I have had silicone "tear" and have been able too shread and pick a piece to 1000 pieces the size of grains from a very small length. Never known the humble hose to do that.
In fairness to silicone, other brewers claim I copped a very bad batch (missing some secret keep it together ingredient) and I have witness theirs perform way better way longer.
I wouldnt go anywhere near silicone again.
I've had problems with some PVC hoses before, one in particular (from Bunnings) leached a lot of nasty flavours into my brew transferring from the kettle to the cube. I've used other PVC hoses before, I rinsed it with hot water etc when it was new but this particular hose left a real strong plastic taste and smell. It was more dominant than Amarillo hops! This was the 2nd ever of my brews that I had to tip out, even after a month I couldn't even stand a mouthful of that batch.

I'm using basic hoses now from BCF that are rated for food / fuel and haven't had any problems. This is the stuff here: https://store.bcf.com.au/ProductDetails.aspx?PLU=118289

My apologies if this post was on topic :blink:
christ on a bike, this ***** out of control :lol:

5 pages about a bit of pipe that no doubt had mould in it...

It smells yucky too !



What is a no chill cube made of?

Regardless of all of this speculation by all the relevant 'experts' and product assasins - the invitation is always there for anyone concerned, to come along to one of our little brew days and witness the miracle of me circulating hot caustic solution/citric acid/phosporic acid sanitiser though this same hosing, and then do a brew with it - all with no taint. One happening this Sunday actually.

Simpy put, I won't be changing the hosing on my brewery any time soon, as I haven't been shown anything conclusive at all, and feel that everything mentioned is pure speculation, and drawing longshot conclusions based on VERY precarious logic - not FACT. FACT is what I can show with new piece after new piece after new piece of hose. Fact is that Foles was clearly having an issue with something to do with his brewing. Fact is that the issues stopped at the same time he replaced the hose. SPECULATION is saying that the hose was responsible or in fact had anything at all to do with it - FACT would be being able to prove it conclusively.
The same faults quoted "Phenolic - mouth coating" can also be very quickly attributed to infection which brings me to my next point - Foles is/has been using (and I quote - post 79) "I mentioned it in a previous post - sodium percarbonate (if my memory serves me correctly) and tap water. " to sanitise the hose. Sodium percarbonate is NOT a sanitiser. It is a cleaner. It is also not 'no rinse', and will taint a brew with an alkaline mouth coating contaminated taste if not VERY well rinsed of brewing equipment - and that is a FACT. It may also have nothing whatsoever to do with that. It may have something to do with atmosphere, airborne contamination from the shed roof or the neighbours trees or whatever.
It may be that there was an issue with this particular piece of hosing. It may also be just as likely that it has nothing to do with the hose at all (more likely based on the fact that I am using hosing cut from the same roll). It is also possible that the change in hosing has nothing at all to do with it, and Foles has just been lucky lately and very unlucky before. Who knows. Again, speculation.

Overall I am glad the issue seems to have gone away Foles. If I really thought there was an issue with the hose, it would be removed from sale - simple as that, but I believe that there are too many other possibile causes for it to have deserved to have been called into question in this fashion. Hope the issue doesn't surface again.
how do you put the first bit of bold in red too


13mm is refering to the diameter

HDPE very different to PVC, and after reading the last 6 pages I am glad I use silicone hoes.


Lucky bugger, my hoe fits the rigid garden hoe variety.
Put it down to having very fat fingers
Quick we need a catheter.... ahh here some pipe... :lol: :lol:

Regardless of all of this speculation by all the relevant 'experts' and product assasins - the invitation is always there for anyone concerned, to come along to one of our little brew days and witness the miracle of me circulating hot caustic solution/citric acid/phosporic acid sanitiser though this same hosing, and then do a brew with it - all with no taint. One happening this Sunday actually.

Simpy put, I won't be changing the hosing on my brewery any time soon, as I haven't been shown anything conclusive at all, and feel that everything mentioned is pure speculation, and drawing longshot conclusions based on VERY precarious logic - not FACT. FACT is what I can show with new piece after new piece after new piece of hose. Fact is that Foles was clearly having an issue with something to do with his brewing. Fact is that the issues stopped at the same time he replaced the hose. SPECULATION is saying that the hose was responsible or in fact had anything at all to do with it - FACT would be being able to prove it conclusively.
The same faults quoted "Phenolic - mouth coating" can also be very quickly attributed to infection which brings me to my next point - Foles is/has been using (and I quote - post 79) "I mentioned it in a previous post - sodium percarbonate (if my memory serves me correctly) and tap water. " to sanitise the hose. Sodium percarbonate is NOT a sanitiser. It is a cleaner. It is also not 'no rinse', and will taint a brew with an alkaline mouth coating contaminated taste if not VERY well rinsed of brewing equipment - and that is a FACT. It may also have nothing whatsoever to do with that. It may have something to do with atmosphere, airborne contamination from the shed roof or the neighbours trees or whatever.
It may be that there was an issue with this particular piece of hosing. It may also be just as likely that it has nothing to do with the hose at all (more likely based on the fact that I am using hosing cut from the same roll). It is also possible that the change in hosing has nothing at all to do with it, and Foles has just been lucky lately and very unlucky before. Who knows. Again, speculation.

Overall I am glad the issue seems to have gone away Foles. If I really thought there was an issue with the hose, it would be removed from sale - simple as that, but I believe that there are too many other possibile causes for it to have deserved to have been called into question in this fashion. Hope the issue doesn't surface again.

I am not going to get into the chemistry of PVC and what points it begins to release plasticisers that may or may not be carcinogenic, only to say that is it possible to identify a carcinogen by taste or smell?

Secondly, is it wise for a retailer knowing the end use for a product (i.e. recirculating boiling wort) to supply a product which they know is not rated by the manufacturer to perform the task for which it is being sold? Taste and smell excluded, if the product fails in service and scalds someone terribly due to being used at a higher than rated temperature with the purchaser not being advised of the rating of the product, the consequences for a retailer could be significant.

Just my 2c
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