Wayne, Wayne, your website lists Joe White Pale malt at $3.80/kg. Thats $96 for 25 kg, unless you are suggesting that a new brewer should purchase a crushed 25 kg sack??
:icon_offtopic: Apologies for the OT everyone, I can't keep this in any longer...
Darren Darren Darren - you are a little drama queen aren't you....
You lose sight of all of the other things I (and other retailers) DO do (that you don't) - I do pre-sell whole sacks and crush to recipe order so the customer doesn't have to take the whole sack at once, and I also happily crush malt for people FREE regardless of if they bought it from me or not. I've crushed malt that people purchased from
you. I've even bought excess grain from people who had no choice but to buy a whole sack from you, so clearly your very own bulk buys are a false economy to some.
There are other things that come into play with kg prices, like overheads etc, and also the other things people have access to because they pay a little bit more so they don't have to buy 25kg of grain at once or subsequently buy a mill that might get used once a fortnight.
I also give further discounts for people if they bring their own vessel to take the crushed malt away...
I stock a wider range of liquid yeasts than anyone else in SA, I also match or have lower malt prices / more malt variety in stock than any other HBS in SA, & quite frequently give free samples of products to customers to try, offer 'first time buy' discounts, do brew demos, and a whole sh*tload of other services and favours straight out of my own pocket.
The money to pay for all of this has to come from somewhere - most of it has come directly from me working my backside off for the last few years and not drawing a wage - the rest has come from customers who aren't as short sighted as you are and can see that there is actually merit in supporting the local shop instead of taking a little bit more out of the bottom line and making it not worth being in business (consequently making a whole range of other products less available to the consumer).
What do you do? Bulk buy some malt, slap some markup on it, and sell it to your peers via this forum. (Many of which have recently expressed an opinion to me that your bulk buys are hardly worth the effort of 100 forum posts & PM's and then driving to your place to collect the malt when you finally actually get it.) And you whinge whinge whinge about everyone else all the while.
Do you declare or pay tax on your profit? I strongly doubt it.
Are you any use to someone who wants just 5kg of malt without having to organise a split with people? No.
Do you provide ANY other service other than a few dollars off a bag of malt? (If even that sometimes) No.
Consequently, are your opinions really worth a tin of dog poo? No.
Are you a hyprocrite? Yes (unless you can demonstrate that your malt prices were pure supply cost, you are/were a retailer yourself)
Are the criticisms of your attitude and abuse towards others on this forum justified? HELL YES.
You're suprised to get criticism from people you know? I'm suprised you don't get more but I suspect that it's related to the number of people who bother to listen to you these days. I'm personally extremely offended by your continued blanket slander of retailers when you've been on selling grain at a profit for years & quite frankly, I'm suprised that no-one has sued you yet for the comments you've made - I am however not suprised at all that Cryer has decided to no longer sell you malt. Not one little bit. I would have too after some of the things you've said.
I've only once before on this forum decided to ignore posts from someone because of the rubbish they come out with. I used to see merit in some of the things you said sometimes, but I reckon you now drop squarely into the 'ignore' category.
Darren WHO?