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FYI - I completed assuming kit meant cans, packs and fresh wort kits. You know ingredient kits that allow you to go straight to fermenter.
just out of interest, would those of you who thought i meant ingredient kit change their answer when talking about an equipment kit?
Here's a quick info graphic i made. Thanks for all the input guys!
I left out the results for the 'kit' question due to the confusion, meaning it would most likely be quite inaccurate.

If a mod could delete the link to the survey in the original post that would be great, i cant seem to edit it.

valenzal said:
just out of interest, would those of you who thought i meant ingredient kit change their answer when talking about an equipment kit?
Yes. While suspicious that it meant other than what I was inferring, I answered with goop in mind. Answers would be different if the subject matter was equipment
That would be the Dogfish 120 Brewers.

OP, to your kit question I would say it very well may have changed my answers a bit.
I was surprised that there were so few people that thought the boil was the hardest bit too.

considering most people do home brewing for the hands on nature maybe it suggests that they enjoy the boil and therefore they dont see it as being too hard.
what's hard about it? That's the part where I start drinking beer & getting cavalier with hop additions ;)
i remember when i did a partial mash. the boil was the hardest bit, cause i was using my stovetop trying to make sure it didnt boil over etc.

not with all grain, a big arse pot and a spiral burner.... boil is the easiest
Partial mash means you use extract to supplement your wort and only a smaller part of your grain bill is mashed. Seen as a bridging step between extract brewing all grain.
This method has largely gone out of favour since BIAB.
Just pondered on a couple:
How important is quality of equipment? That all depends on the handler, and the cleaners.
Last question- Automated? Are you designing an Artificial Intelligence brewing unit?
That would be bad, or impossible, or bad. Basically a robot slave to do all your brewing labor
and listen to your expressions (including drunken expressions) while you drink and judge, or not... we live out our science fiction... :D

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