Hag Christmas Case Drinkin'

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#16 Heads Irish Red.

I would suggest leaving for another couple of weeks folks. Tried it the other night again and had a light carbonation. I might have underprimed it a little but if you don't mind wait out and I will try another bottle in a week or so to see. Or you could try it now........

Keith's Foreign Extra Stout
This beer was one that I had last night at a xmas party, so I didnt really take any notes. It looked the part, and all the guests were impressed at the black beer! Lovely tan head that persisted well, nice chocolate and roast notes on the nose, med-full body, plenty of choc and roast flavours, good firm bitterness, it was an excellent stout, much better than the ones I have ever made. The ONLY problem was it was hotter than hades last night (or at least as muggy), and stout was probably not the right beer to be drinking. Atmosphere is part of what makes a beer, and due to my lack of foresight (actually, it was because the instructions said DRINK NOW), I didnt wait till we had a cooler night, which would have made the beer exceptional. I trust that this was a pilot batch for a Potter's seasonal???!!! If it was, you may never get rid of me up there!
Thanks very much for sharing
Scotty.... maybe you should add a drinkability status to the list so we know if the Ninny is ready to drink like everyone else..

I dont want to crack it and find its still carbing up.


She should be carded up... just the ninny yeast to drop now...

I had the one and only one left last weekend and there was some chill haze.
Thanks mate :)

Im looking forward to trying a beer called "ninny" :lol:

I have no idea what to expect so should be fun.

I cracked my entry on Friday.
It's exactly what I was trying to make, a well carbonated (very spritzy) light APA in the LC bright ale style. Very much a sunny Sunday arvo refresher.

I would benefit from a bit more maturity and a week in the fridge but hook in any time you like.

Thanks mate :)

I'm looking forward to trying a beer called "ninny" :lol:

I have no idea what to expect so should be fun.

Drinking the Ninny now. It's a great German-style lager. Plenty of hop flavour aroma and bitterness.

The chill haze is there but clears as it warms.

Thanks, Scotty. A pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled (brew day today).

Very niiiice, as Borat sez.

Les out :p
I was in marks shop and timed it well to be there when he was cracking it.

Very nice beer too....... after a long week on a friday arvo i could have stayed and drank a dozen of them.

Still got my bottle in the case so will enjoy it for sure

#6 - Scotty's Ninny Lager

Looks like I'm not the only one drinking this tonight. A very pale straw colour with a bit of haze. The head is tight and white and laces well. Noble hop aromas abound. There are sweet malts up front along with a big hop flavour. The sweetness carries through to a nice malty finish. There is a touch of dry graininess in there which I'm sure will go with time. The bitterness is solid and the body is fullish with a dry finish. The carbonation is a touch underdone, I reckon my bottle needed another week or so. Top beer thanks Scotty, I needed a thirst quencher after a long day doing nothing. Wish I had a second one. Cheers.
#15 - Craig's American Rye

Pale golden and a bit hazy with a glass painting white head. Loads of citrus hop aroma with a little caramel malt behind it. There is a good hit of hop flavour up front which falls away nicely to reveal the some bready and toffee malt flavours. The malt flavour has a slight sweet finish to it yet the finish is still crisp, thanks to the bitterness and good carbonation. The rye is evident in the mouthfeel and melds superbly with the overall beer. A first rate beer thanks Craig, balanced, drinkable and very tasty.
3. Goatherders Imperial Pils.

Poured with a fantastic creamy head which it held without a problem. Some Chill haze that cleared as it warmed up but i wasnt going to find out if stayed..... this was a beer to drink cold.
Fantastic creamy malt texture which tells me its "IMPERIAL" posibly a tad too much malt. BItterness backs it up and is smooth. I would have liked a bigger hop character...... more aroma in the finnish to go with all that luscious malt..

Bloody nice beer mate......, clean, very drinkable, perfect carb, great head retention and great ballance.

Thanks for the beer :)

Tried Goathearders no.3 Imperial pils this arvo, thought it was quite a tasty drop.
Poured well with a nice large and fluffy head that had a great floral noble hoppy nose (Hallertau is my guess). Also could trace a chalky grain in the nose as with a bready character as expected in this style, not so sure about the chalky though.

In the mouth it had quite a sweet and clean taste with delicate background hoppiness. Once swallowed though it had a long hop aftertaste which danced on my tongue for a long time (kudos goathearder). Overall I though this was a great beer and I could of used another to back it up. Strongly recommend and it's only my personal preferences that I would change if this were a beer that I would make for myself (emphasis on the personal preference because I though this was a very very good beer) is
1) No chill haze
2) Less early addition hops and lots more late flavour and aroma

PS if in fact Im right about Hallertau it was great in a imperial pils. What did this come in at %wise? Was really impressed at how although you could taste the alcohol it didnt dominate
Cheers fellas, glad you enjoyed. The recipe was a bit of stab in the dark really. I just figured "make a pilsner like an IPA". Here's the recipe:

100% IMC Pils
mashed at 65 to 1.067
53 IBUs of Southern Cross at 60min
2 g/l Saaz at 30min
2 g/l Saaz at 10min
2 g/l Saaz at flameout
Dry hop with 1g/l Saaz plugs for 1 week at the end of primary
Total IBUs 65 - about 220g hops in a 27l batch
Wyeast 2001 at 10 deg for 3 weeks.
FG 1.017 - 6.4% abv plus priming sugar

Unfortunately it got no secondary time - it could have used a couple of weeks to clear and let the dry hops do their thing. I think it would be an easier beer to make if the Saaz hops weren't 2.2% AA - I put a crapload in and got next to no bitterness from them, hence the need for the big bittering shot.

Thanks for the constructive feedback, I reckon you are on the mark.
Hi HAG's

Sampled one of my bottles today and can report that #4 is carbed up ok, but it will still benefit from a few days cold conditioning.

So, for best results pop it in the fridge for a week or two ...... then enjoy.

Or, close your eyes and drink it now !

Dave L
Just poured one of the 2 bottles of GOlden ale i put in the case swap to see i its ready.

Its almost there!

Lowish carb and a wispy....alnost not there.... head of an alnost carbed up beer. Very impressed with the beer. This is a tops summer ale. It brewed from 1.048 or so down to 1.004 with very healthy US-05 at 18 deg in 4 days. It deposited 1 inch of yeast sediment through a blow off tube into a 2 liter apple juice bottle.

The beer is crisp, clean witrh a plessent lingering bitterness on the back of your tongue that is what i was after.

A bit hazy but its young and was no chilled. the mix of amarillo and noble hops is great...... big but delicate hops that wont last forever.

from memmory i used Spalt, hersbrucker, amarillo and D-SAAZ ay varying times. Has worked out well.

I recon a scaled back verson would be a great session beer on tap. Actually..... this will do!


Edit: I will now list this beer as ready to drink if you want the hops fresh...... it has enough carb to be a tops drinking beer but is a bit young to hold a solid head.

leave 2 weeks if you want it a bit more carbed up and matured.

(I prime my beers to card slowly and be drinkable for a long time without over gassing)

cheers again
3. Goatherders Imperial Pils.

Bit new to critiquing beers guys so bear with me.

Nice Color, what I tend to expect from a pils. Head that lasted all the way to the end. Did not lace but that could be a glass issue on my behalf. Found it to be a nicely ballanced beer. As the beer warmed I found the after taste of the hops to be a little more pronounced and very enjoyable.

All in all I found it a very enjoyable beer that I would happily drink again. Thanks to you Goatherder for making the special effort to get me a bottle to sample.
#3 & #4 are both in the fridge.

Tony, the little chilli plant with the thinner leaves (habanero?) has 3 flowers already, and the medium-sized one looks like the Naga Jolokia you linked us to.

Both plants are doing well, with daily feeds of dilute complete nutrient solution.

BTW, Tony, I have a W3638 yeast sample for you, although you might want to culture one from my beer, when it's ready to drink.

Les :p
Yeast update for Sammus and me, and other yeast farmers:

4 - David L - Flying Dog Ale
18 - Shmick - Belgian Ardennes
19 - Leeboy - Fat Tyre
1 - Les - W3638 (Schneider weisse)
3 - Goathurter - W2001 (Urquell H strain)

Come on guys, there are more great yeasts. Please add to this list.

1 - Les - W3638 (Schneider weisse)
3 - Goathurter - W2001 (Urquell H strain)
4 - David L - Flying Dog Ale
5 - Keith AIPA - WY1028 London Ale
7 - Sammus - WY1968 London ESB Ale
18 - Shmick - Belgian Ardennes
19 - Leeboy - Fat Tyre
26 - Fingolfin - W1332 Northwest Ale

A few there so far!
Well the Christmas period was great and got to try a few brews. Here are my critiques

6. Scotty - Ninny Lager
This beer poured well and I realized I probably should of washed my glass before pouring (or the bottle wasnt cleaned adequately) There were floaty bits throughout. Would be interested to see if anyone else gets this or should i of just rinsed my glass? Other than that is was a good summer beer although it was cloudier than I would of expected. Quite non-descript but refreshing and easy drinking. OK carbonation, OK colour and good balance for a beer of this style which definitely has a European lager taste to it. Probably above average.

5. Keith AIPA
Bottle erupted upon opening. Gushed for 5 mins until I decided it was time to pour. Actually poured well and settled once poured. Held a dense think head throughout which laced the glass well however was too effervescent in the mouth for my liking. Definately a good one for practicing to burp the alphabet. Clear golden straw color with citrus hops roll over the thick creamy, bready malt body and a hint of alcohol. This beer was well-balanced and left a slow lingering bitterness on the palate. Would be great to try a less carbonated version.

21. Pok Golden Ale
Slightly under carbonated and less aromatic than the Squires version but quite crisp and refreshing. Colour was a perfect straw for the style and had a good hop bitterness present. Needs more late addition hops. But not a bad effort for a kit brew though. Would like to see more Amarillo late on in this beer. But is a good lawn mower beer.

28. Colin Hansell - Irish Red Ale

Pours a reddish copper body under a thin film of beige head that faded quickly. Nice toasted and slightly caramel malty nose with a distant floral hoppiness. A nice dry toasted malt flavor up font with a little graininess and some moderately bitter hops on the finish. Mouthfeel is medium bodied with a slightly husky texture and pleasant soft carbonation. A pleasant easy drinking Irish Red with lots of flavor. Improvements would be carbonation didnt hold a head for long. Other than that it was magic. I have only had the Irish Red at the Wig and Pen in Canberra and this was just a good in my opinion