#4 bigfridge's AIPA
Wow, quite a lively pourer this one, with a good 1/3 of the glass headstand! The bubbles were quite large to start with, and back off as the beer warms, but it is definitely carbonated on the high side. Quite clear, and a beautiful orange colour, as most good AIPA's are.
The aroma is great, plenty of american citrusy hops, with an almost tropical fruit note there, and some definite yeastiness, plus a touch of grassiness that I find sometimes in highly hopped beers. The grassiness isnt offensive, per se, and I must say it reminds me quite a bit of the aroma of some of the Flying Dog ales I was lucky enough to try recently. From memory, those beers also exhibited an amount of yeastiness, so I can only assume it is a trait of the Flying Dog yeast.
Sweet malt up front, that gives way to the hoppiness, then feint grassiness, then yeastiness, and finally, a firm bitterness that lasts right through and helps dry out the finish. I find the yeastiness a little offputting, but overall this is an excellent example of an AIPA, I just like em a little cleaner (and we all know that 1056 puts out almost NO yeasty characters).
The hops and malt are balanced, and it is decidedly bitter, I have had several commercial examples of this style in the US, and this stands up to many of those. The 7.3% alcohol is well hidden, though by the end of the bottle you can feel it. The substantial maltiness is negated by the dry and bitter finish, and I have drunk this whole bottle WAY too quickly and easily. if I had another in the fridge, I would probably do myself some damage!
I am not super keen on the yeasty characters, but it certainly adds a "je ne sais quoi" to the beer, and I am definitely a fan.
Full bodied, but finishes dry. Hoppy, but well balanced. Yeasty, but it just adds character. The carbonation needs addressing, but that is a very minor complaint.
Mate, without trying to blow smoke up your arse, I would have to say that this is one of the best non commercial beers that I have had in a looong time, thanks very much for sharing.
All the best