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Can you put up photo's and specs?
Considering the guys last couple of posts, perhaps using aussie idioms ( "a butchers"), and shortening words is not the best path to clear and concise communication. I dares say the guy is using google translate to read the forum, in which case 'specs' are going to be glasses.
Look like good units, would not be happy with the barb fitting on the re circulation pipe if it isn't held in place with a clamp then it is potentially dangerous, would be better with the stainless bend into the camlock. 9 steps is an overkill, but good you have got variable wattage. What is the pump like, same as Grainfather and Guten? The yellow one.
Also you may have missed the boat with the Guten being released here shortly.
I am on the interested list. I have one of the early (no pump) guten 35L. Pretty happy with it. Bigger can only be better :)
Just done a brew this morning and my efficiency has come in at 62.4% which is much lower than anticipated, whats evweryone else getting?

Also had a nightmare with the helix again, this was a super hoppy beer (> 200g hops) and because of that I actually used the hop spider for all but the FWH (20g Magnum), hence all that was in the machine FWH and the trub (6.2kg grain bill, 5kg GP, 1KG Munich, 200g Melanoidin), turned on the tap and it was a trickle immediately, ended up having to bend the helix in to get it to drain so I suspect I've ended up with a lot of trub in the fermentor :-( I have had great success at times with the helix and other times its been a nightmare, not sure why, the only thing I noticed today was that if I tightened the ubend fully the spring was angled upwards, hence I slackened it so it was angled down, wonder if this is causing some sort of air pressure issue, any thoughts?

I am still having trouble with volumes too, according to BS I should have got ~26L pre boil with a pre boil gravity of 15.098p, I ended up with ~27L and a gravity of just 13p, BS then estimates ~24L post boil and 16.86p and 21L into the fermentor, I estimate a pre boil of ~21L and got 15.2p and ~19.5L into the fermentor. I boiled at 2200w today, I currenlty have my boil off ratio in BS set to 4.2L/hr but I suspect its actually much higher than this, whats everyone else using for boil off ratio?

Just hope the beer turns out good, **** ton of hops to waste if its a dog!!
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I thought I had posted before about the problem and how I got round it, I bought one of these.
I have no idea why it fails to drain apart from there being air in the helix, open the spring with the tip of the paddle let it flow and it will keep on flowing.
I have one of those, its actually what I used to bend it in, didnt think about putting it into the spring, I'll try that should it happen again.
It really is a conundrum, I always treat my water together, before pouring off the excess, and even at the end of the boil I pour off a couple of jugs full and tip back into the kettle. It has only stuck a couple of times for me, and never on a no chill batch.
Had a look at Wings unit and looks pretty good, has anyone asked for a price, agree that the unit needs a bend coming off the camlock. Maybe a different thread is needed, and a name.
Bulk buy WEAL?
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KK have announced they are selling the Guten on FB and are apparently taking pre orders.
KK have announced they are selling the Guten on FB and are apparently taking pre orders.

Yes I think their price on the 30L is good ($380) but they asking $740 for the 50L which seems high to me, is it really $360 more kit than the 30L? I think not
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I was waiting for the next G&G sale to buy a 50L Braumeister but now I have to decide if one is worth 4.25x the price of a Guten.