We have all seen how these media driven stories can end up. eg the nurse in England who ended her life after an Australian radio practical joke. I am in no way condoning what she said, and ignorance is not an excuse, but the girl in question not only needs to counselled, but I would think that she would have to be watched very carefully for some time. It's extremely dissappointing to see one tv station and many newspapers show her face during an apology/interview. Now where ever she goes, people will recognise her for all the wrong reasons. I can see this ending up very badly indeed. All those people on here that are calling her a ****, how will you feel if she ends her life from an incident like this.
At 13, she is still only a child, and we shouldnt thrust our adult values and life experiences onto children. Kids are growing up way too quickly these days, and we are expecting more and more from them all the time, depriving them of the only time in thier life where they are to a degree, carefree.
Having spent quite a few afternoons at the football, I would be not surprised if she was only repeating what she has heard at the ground. I certainly have heard worse stuff said, which wasnt racist, but was equally abusive and derogatory, but we let those comments continue.
I would be dissappointed if one of my children said what she said, but I think at 13, they would have been more than capable of saying it, and not realising what the consequences would/could be. I know myself, that at the age of 13 or so, I did not have the understanding of social responablities that is thrust upon our children today.
I was once involved in an all in brawl on a basketball court when one of my team mates was called a black ****. The 2 players went to a counselling session, where the offending player apologised for calling the other player black. He didnt apologise for calling him a ****. He was also of aboriginal descent, but didnt look it, and didnt understand the hurt that comes from racist slurs.
Adam Goodes quote " Racism has a face - that face is a 13 year old girl". I'm sorry Adam, but the face of racism is not a 13 year old girl, its the face we look at in the mirror every day, its the person looking in the mirror that makes the decision to be racist. Some of the most racist people I have met have not been "white" Australians. It still doesnt make it right, regardless of your skin colour.