Funniest Beer Name?

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Labour-inducing Stout.

I just brewed a stout (Coopers, nothin' fancy) and it came up a treat. My wife and I sampled it on Thursday night as a very fresh beer.
The next morning she woke up in labour, but she'd only had a sip of it.

(Edit: changed Dickensian language to normal language)
Labour-inducing Stout.

I just brewed a stout (Coopers, nothin' fancy) and it came up a treat. My wife and I sampled it on Thursday night as a very fresh beer.
The next morning she woke up in labour, but she'd only had a sip of it.

(Edit: changed Dickensian language to normal language)

I've never brewed a beer that induced labour. I've brewed two that induced pregnancy. ;)
Labour-inducing Stout.

I just brewed a stout (Coopers, nothin' fancy) and it came up a treat. My wife and I sampled it on Thursday night as a very fresh beer.
The next morning she woke up in labour, but she'd only had a sip of it.

(Edit: changed Dickensian language to normal language)

One instance doesn't make a pattern ant - however if you suddenly feel the need to give birth, I would get concerned. :chug:

i always liked the light version of P.I.S.S - P.I.S.S Weak...

One instance doesn't make a pattern ant - however if you suddenly feel the need to give birth, I would get concerned. :chug:

i always liked the light version of P.I.S.S - P.I.S.S Weak...


Wasn't/Isn't that the brew out the Great Britain?

Oh, the GB! I haven't been there for years! :party:
Last night, while brewing my latest framboise ,I had some skinks drinking a few splashes off the floor.
I'll have to "spill" a bit more for them tonight, and get ready with my camera... and think of another witty name.
I have a german dark lager high up on my to brew list.

Name of it is ' I see your Schwartz is as big as mine'

I dont generally get all that creative with names, they are mostly given the style they are or the beer i am cloning.
If you want to see if your beer was mentioned by Graham Sanders on the Craftbrewer radio, hit up the podcast from Sunday.

clickety click
All good stuff :D Heres my 2c
Nunsnasty - extra dry of course
Muchweiser - 3rd attempt at a wheat beer
Bugsbrew - saw a mates brew with beer flies everywhere
Godawfulchew - got lumps tasting SG sample Beer tasted fine
Dirty goggles - local water went an off muddy brown colour
Knot McGaths Will - was thinking of a beer lable with a picture of an old sailing ship encircled with a rope.

Not all gems but there you go. A bit of fun. :icon_cheers:
There is some funny names and well thought wit in this lot.

If i may add my contribution.

I had made an American Brown Ale along the lines of TDA's brown ale and it was well accepted by all who came to sample.
Long story short, one Saturday morning we went crabbing and came in with a big haul of big blue swimmers and proceeded to cook them up.
Well, if anyone has eaten hot crab and drank cold beer at the same time then you may know what could happen next.
My mate first up said that he had to slip home to check the dog, then when he came back and consumed some more crab and Brown Ale he said he had to go and make a phone call, then, when he couldn't leave the crabs or the beer alone he admitted that he had, had, an accident and had "pooed" his pants while trying to slip a discreet fart from his loins.
This was a very jovial moment for all except for the guy that **** himself.

Thus the naming of the beer to "Skid Mark Brown Ale"

I would love to have a label made to represent this beer - well maybe one day!

And remember dont drink cold beer and eat hot crab at the same time :lol:
Thus the naming of the beer to "Skid Mark Brown Ale"

How's this for a start?

Guess what?

Turns out theres actually a beer down near Christchurch called Sheep Shagger Lager, but its only brewed and sold on premises and theres no take away...


Similar sense of humor in Scotland, found this one in Edinburgh.
Thanks for that antains' I have put it in my file!


Happy to help. Plus, it was an easy visual. Although, I can see a much more detailed label being possible. Depends on where it's stocked, though. :p

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