Funniest Beer Name?

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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- Gear box oil (stout)
- Quick'n'dirty (some top fermented beer from remaining grains)
- The vanished friar (belg. dubbel)

I always take great pride and consideation in naming my beers:

No one seems to care:

American RIS: The Black Iron Prison
American Barleywine: St Augustine's Light
Belgian Dark Strong: Le Chant's Des Maldoror
Triple: Punition de Basier (Punishing Kiss)
IIPA: Subluxator
Soured double Wit: Faded Curtains
Galaxy hopburst IIPA: Event Horizon

I am surprised at the inanity, if thats a word, of most beer names, particularly the craftbrews, always lauding some lame obvious pun/historical info bite, not to mention that its handcrafted


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I've started naming my beers after family members :-

Courtoberfest - an Octoberfest after my daughter Courtney
Karrapils - a Pilsner after my wife Karren
Melissa Sweet - a Wheat beer after my daughter Melissa
Mattale - an American Pale Ale after my son Matt

:lol: nice one Rob
My last brew was - Life in a Northern Brown (brown ale of course).
My next will be - Nine Princes (Amber Ale). I wonder if anyone else in the world gets that. On a forum where people know the owner of the Prancing Pony I'm sure there will be one or two.

I brewed a Porter the weekend of the flood in Newcastle and the Pasha Bulka landed on Nobby's beach. So I called that "Any Porter in a Storm"
My (smoky rauchmalt laced) entry to chrissie case couple of years ago: Bongwater Black Ale.
Love that one, hope you upped the peel thricefold to fit the pun.
Top one. Who wants an orange wit?

I attempt to give every beer a "funny" name, but they're pretty pathetic.
The latest, cos it was only a Knk, and I didn't care too much, is just called meh. amber ale.
That's pretty much how it's tasting right now too.

My next will be - Nine Princes (Amber Ale). I wonder if anyone else in the world gets that.

Haha I remember the Commodore 64 game but never read the books...
There is an Ale from the Orkney islands in Scotland called "Skullsplitter" and its 8.5%. Has a great label too.


Myself, I name the beer on the night it is born (Bottled) and I pick a significant event to commemorate it.

some from the past include;

  • [*]"Alligator tears" - when Steve Irwin Died
    [*]"Dead icons" - when Brocky died the following week
    [*]"Gone Bush" - when Bush lost his power in the senate
    [*]"Paupers Lager" - when I had to buy $12,000 of tickets to fly my family back to Scotland for my wifes mums wedding (I couldnt afford to go myself)
    [*]"Freedom Lager" - For when they all went and i was home alone for a month.
    [*]"Phoenix Pale ale" - When I started brewing again after a six month break.
    [*]"Mokbels folly" - Self explanatory​

Some other great names from this site



Pearl Necklace
A stunning in your face beer that glistens with excitement Pearl Necklace is named not only after the single malt barley Pearl used in its creation but the wonderfull lacing it leaves on the neck of the glass. A very pale beer with a challenging up front aroma of Perle hops it leaves you begging for another one.

Sylvia Kristal Weizen

Ungenorously described as a Dutch Wheat Beer, Sylvia is a filtered or nude wheat beer. 50% of the grist is malted wheat and the remainder is Pilsener with a hint of Carapils. The beer is delicately hopped with Hallertauer Hersbrucker and as with all wheat beers is highly carbonated. It hits the mouth with a sweet malt and finishes with a lingering tartness.


Made for the Ladies, this beer is loosely based on the Vienna Style, The grist is 90% Vienna malt with some red caramel and melanoidan malt bring up the colour (and thats not all!!). At the moment is our only beer made with Lager yeast, full bodied and totally satisfying...girls..have a Cockatoo Today !!


Golden (Colorado) is one of the Worlds beer capitals and where Ophelia claims to have worked. ************* is a malt driven American Wheat style but with considerable additions of English hops. We use dark wheat malt and the colour is described as "Tan".
Some punters have suggested that the "tan" is a reference to "Black and Tan" it is actually a reference to the Beatles song, "I am the Walrus".


I once wrote "Urine Sample" on bottle to stop freinds from drinking my last beer.

John, you have left out the most important beer that exists in the Shallow Throat Brewing Range; Flaccid Cock Ale. It is not on the website and only available to the mail order bride club.

This beer is a Brewers Masterpiece. Designed with the female beer drinker in mind, a cold hard cock is a delight for anyone to lift to their lips, a beer to swallow and savor, one to share with your good looking friends (and if your from the 'burgh even your sister) and most importantly, a beer that goes well in a tall 9" glass.

Ahh the places marketing can take you....
