Online Brewing Supplies
**** OBS ****
I reserve the right to post this information on an Australian registered web site, any moderation or alteration will be acted on as a violation of my freedom of speech.
We no longer live in WWII era. USA congress in the last few day has backed right away from any form off Internet control.
Your site is not beyond the scope of freedom of speech, yet you claim no bias ?
Admin Edit (Dane): This was originally posted in The Pub, with a slightly more emotionally driven title, which I edited.
The topic quickly got out of hands and essentially ended up being a slanging match so I deleted the topic.
Gryphon Brewing has requested that his post be made available otherwise he was going to seek legal advice/action.
In an effort of full transparency, I've made his post visible and moved it into the Off Topic area where it belongs.
Cheers, Dane
Admin Edit II (Dane):
I previously stated that Gryphon Brewing created this thread with a more 'emotionally driven title', which I subsequently edited. This was not the case and I was mistaken, the thread in question was another thread that we were moderation at the same time.
The thread title you currently see is in it's original form and it has not been edited.
I've personally apologized to Gryphon Brewing and I did not intend to confuse the situation or cause any misunderstanding.
I reserve the right to post this information on an Australian registered web site, any moderation or alteration will be acted on as a violation of my freedom of speech.
We no longer live in WWII era. USA congress in the last few day has backed right away from any form off Internet control.
Your site is not beyond the scope of freedom of speech, yet you claim no bias ?
Admin Edit (Dane): This was originally posted in The Pub, with a slightly more emotionally driven title, which I edited.
The topic quickly got out of hands and essentially ended up being a slanging match so I deleted the topic.
Gryphon Brewing has requested that his post be made available otherwise he was going to seek legal advice/action.
In an effort of full transparency, I've made his post visible and moved it into the Off Topic area where it belongs.
Cheers, Dane
Admin Edit II (Dane):
I previously stated that Gryphon Brewing created this thread with a more 'emotionally driven title', which I subsequently edited. This was not the case and I was mistaken, the thread in question was another thread that we were moderation at the same time.
The thread title you currently see is in it's original form and it has not been edited.
I've personally apologized to Gryphon Brewing and I did not intend to confuse the situation or cause any misunderstanding.