Bentleigh Brau Haus
hi all,
last night i though i better lay a lager down
- to use up some kits
- nothing better to do
- try crystal
- and i am very short of beer (aged for x-mas / summer)
its a coopers lager kit (1.7Kg)
coopers light LME (1.5Kg i think)
half a handfull of hallertau hop pellets 20 min boil
50g caraamber crystal
40g carapils
Wyeast munich lager
I steeped the grain in ~50-60 deg water for 25min, then pored this liquid off, added more water for 5min and this all went into the boil + hops and LME. Boiled for 20-25 min, and added the Lager kit 5 min before the end of boil
Got good hot break, and then cooled it (good cold break)
The water was filtered (and i knocked it spilling water everywhere - i learnt some new words)
and airated for about 1 hour
this all went to 20Lt total volume and out to the shed. I then had to try and cool it, i used water and ice and over 1 day its now at 13deg.
Is this ok for this yeast?
48deg - 56deg F ??
Now i am worried can cara pils be steeped? (reading a book it made it sound like it needs a mash???
Is this to much Crystal?
Also the Gravity was 1070.... took it again 12hrs later and its 1072(at about 11deg)
this sounds crazy, maybe the sugars are on the bottom of the fermentor?
last night i though i better lay a lager down
- to use up some kits
- nothing better to do
- try crystal
- and i am very short of beer (aged for x-mas / summer)
its a coopers lager kit (1.7Kg)
coopers light LME (1.5Kg i think)
half a handfull of hallertau hop pellets 20 min boil
50g caraamber crystal
40g carapils
Wyeast munich lager
I steeped the grain in ~50-60 deg water for 25min, then pored this liquid off, added more water for 5min and this all went into the boil + hops and LME. Boiled for 20-25 min, and added the Lager kit 5 min before the end of boil
Got good hot break, and then cooled it (good cold break)
The water was filtered (and i knocked it spilling water everywhere - i learnt some new words)
and airated for about 1 hour
this all went to 20Lt total volume and out to the shed. I then had to try and cool it, i used water and ice and over 1 day its now at 13deg.
Is this ok for this yeast?
48deg - 56deg F ??
Now i am worried can cara pils be steeped? (reading a book it made it sound like it needs a mash???
Is this to much Crystal?
Also the Gravity was 1070.... took it again 12hrs later and its 1072(at about 11deg)
this sounds crazy, maybe the sugars are on the bottom of the fermentor?