First Keg Is Just Froth

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Hi there, just put my first brew down which ended up in a keg. It is a Blackrock Pils. Unfortunately I was in a bit of a rush, wanting to drink the brew the next day and now it only pours out froth. I need some advice on getting this beer back under control.

I kegged it in a 20L postmix keg. Bumped the pressure up to 300kpa for 24 hrs, coming out and rocking it a dozen times through that time. At the end of the 24hrs I burped the keg, lowerd the psi down to 80 or so, and it just spews out froth. I let all the pressure out, then put it up to pouring pressure, but 24hrs it is still all froth. Next time I will be taking thne "slowly slowly approach" and letting it gas over a few days, but any tips on how to save this one.


hey Skipsta,

I reckon you left it on the gas too long, it sounds overcarbed. If you are going to force carb, first chill the beer. Then set to 300kpa and rock for a few minutes, maybe 5. Then leave it 20 mins and let the pressure out. Apply your serving pressure and test the beer. Repeat if necessary.

Leave the pressure off your beer for a few days, maybe a week. Let the gas out every day. It will sort itself out but it will take some time.

If you're impatient (like most of us) and you want to de-carbonate quickly, then remove the gas line from the keg, take the keg out of the fridge, and shake the beejesus out of it.
Leave it for a half hour and then relieve the pressure in the keg.
Repeat this 3-4 times and it will get rid of the excess CO2 that has built up in your beer.
Remember that after shaking the keg to leave it for 30 mins, other wise when you go to relive the keg pressure you'll end up taking a beer shower!
After you've done this 3-4 times, reconnect your gas at serving pressure and test your beer.
If it's still all head then just repeat the process.
If the beer ends up undercarbonated then just re-carbonate.
Thanks guys, great advice, I'll try slurpdogs advice first. Subsequent beers will be the slowly but surely method :)
I reckon you left it on the gas too long, it sounds overcarbed. If you are going to force carb, first chill the beer. Then set to 300kpa and rock for a few minutes, maybe 5.

300kpa for 50 secs with rocking will carbonate your keg - a few minutes maybe 5 & you'll be pouring all foam again...

Cheers Ross

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