First brew concerns

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Hi All, I would appreciate some advice.

I brewed a kit and but heated the whole liquid content in an urn. I then put that into a no chill cube. Next day I pored in a white labs yeast, fermenting in the cube. I left it for 8 days and then siphoned it into a keg. I hadn't taken a measurement but the whole time I had seen co2 coming off the airlock using a sanitised/detergent based spray at the base of the airlock. It had stopped producing any foamy bubbles for at least a couple of days. The fermenter was in my kitchen so the temp range probably went from 16 to 23. I noticed when I siphoned it that it smelled and tasted sweet. I flushed the keg with co2. Over time I have found that there is still fermenting activity as I let gas out of the keg but next day its under pressure again. It seems to me the ferment didn't finish originally. Could that be the case?

Regards, Nick
Don't package fermenting beer. A hydrometer costs 12-15 dollars and is dead easy to use.

Wheel doesn't need re-inventing.
I leave for at least 12 days for Ale that brew out fast. Then keg or bottle.
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