Excerpts From A Conversation With A Lbhs Owner

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Was buying some tins of goo (I try to buy everything else from sponsors but the tins are a bit heavy for the post, imo) and asked which wheat malt extract he would recommend. "well, we only have one"...then he went on to show me the two he had. One of these was just in 500g plastic take-away containers that he'd filled himself. Uh, no thanks. Bacchus & Barley it is then. He went on to ask what I wanted it for. Told him it was for an extract wit. He says "well you need one of these and a wheat kit (goo)" and I explained (twice) that I had some hops and was going to add my own bitterness/flavour so just wanted two tins of the extract to which he replies "Can you even do that?" WTF, right? Then he advises me to be careful as there are two distinct kinds of hops "bittering hops and flavouring hops" - ok, gotcha, do they only come in tea bags? I understand that not everyone wants to do more than bung a kit in some water, sprinkle on the magic beer powder then drink it in 2 weeks (to be honest, I'm really not much further advanced than that myself) but surely a LHBS owner should try to be a little more aware of what else is possible - even if only so he can sell more stuff. If there was another LBHS convenient to me I'd be going there after this.

To his credit he did look at me strangely when I also bought a Thomas Coopers IPA tin and relaxed when I said "That's for a different brew".
I guess the LHBS owner isn't actually a homebrewer - it's just a business to him.
bugger. just wrote a whole long post and accidently deleted it. cbf retyping it.

basic idea - he's talking out his airlock.
I guess the LHBS owner isn't actually a homebrewer - it's just a business to him.

He brews kit stouts in the shop. If you wanna know something about kit brewing he's got answers (they aren't all good but at least he doesn't get confused)

I know, CM2, I just can't work out why he wouldn't flick through a book or a magazine or something to see what else he could be selling to people.

[edit: punctuado]
Bum find a good HBS FFS even if you have to travel that bit further. Seriously your brewing will thankyou for it! If that's the advice your getting I shudder to think of the way he treats his stock.

You live where? SE Melbourne surely there's something better?

The next closest is owned by the same mob and the next after that is in a place that's a nightmare to get to. All I want from him is tins of goo (and even then only the ones that Big W don't carry near me) - I get yeast/hops/DME/spec grains from sponsors.

I also know a good place to go online for brewing advice (not telling where - its a secret).
The next closest is owned by the same mob and the next after that is in a place that's a nightmare to get to. All I want from him is tins of goo (and even then only the ones that Big W don't carry near me) - I get yeast/hops/DME/spec grains from sponsors.

I also know a good place to go online for brewing advice (not telling where - its a secret).

Well that's a Bummer Bum! HA! I made an unitentional funny! :lol:

Sounds like you've found yourself at one of those 'Brew and Grow' stores? Did the guy try and sell you a bunch of lamps to grow "strawberries" too? :lol:
Heard they like to push the little tubs of extract and have very few options when they do.

SE Suburbs - Greensborough HBS and Brewers Den Boronia get thumbs up. Pete at Brewer's Den is an award winning HB'er. Brewcraft Richmond is good for convenience purchases but there's mark-up on price - one of the guys loves to talk but does have good knowledge. Other Brewcrafts you can take or leave (stay away from Heidelberg - had bad experiences there).

Or take a road trip to Grain and Grape and see how the serious homebrewers get catered for - a great store with people who know what they're talking about - worth the trip over the Westgate bridge if you haven't been.


Go see Dave at Greensborough Home Brewing mate.... Service, knowledge and he will even crush your grain when you go AG!!

NB: I said when not if! :p
Well that's a Bummer Bum! HA! I made an unitentional funny! :lol:

dont quit your day job Chaps!

The next closest is owned by the same mob and the next after that is in a place that's a nightmare to get to. All I want from him is tins of goo (and even then only the ones that Big W don't carry near me) - I get yeast/hops/DME/spec grains from sponsors.

nothing wrong with that Bum. I used to go to brewcraft if i desperately needed something that i forgot to order or wanted liquid yeast (which i now get shipped also). so long as you know the deal with what people do and dont know your laughing and brewing well.

Go see Dave at Greensborough Home Brewing mate.... Service, knowledge and he will even crush your grain when you go AG!!
Cocko - he's in south east melb not north east melb. the boronia HBS would be closer for him.

edit: Hoppingmad - Brewers Den Boronia is the one i was trying to think of. or at a pinch brewcraft in oakleigh.
Thanks for the suggestions, fellas. I'll check them out when I get the chance. Good to not have to find out the hard way!
This is part of why I like to walk into a HBS with a shopping list in my hand and just hand it to the person behind the counter...

That said, my HBS of choice when I am actually doing face to face purchases is Absolute, and Pat actually knows his shit and then ESB (purely as their grain/hop prices are significantly cheaper).

That said, the reason for the list is just to stop me buying extras.... <_<
Hey Bum, +1 for G&G in Yarraville. I go there because it's closer than anywhere else, but I think you need to make a big shopping list to make it worthwhile. It's better than your LHBS and brewcraft stores. However, some of the AG talk goes over my head and I think they could take more time to explain technical things a bit better, but overall prices are fairly good. Storeowners need to be mindful of educating the average punter at their own pace, whereas some just assume you know everything about brewing and forget that newbies may be walking into their store.

Use the Brewers den if you can, Peter there is pretty good with advice, it's on Dorset Rd near the supermarket. Brewcraft in Eskay Rd Oakleigh isn't bad but has less variety of grains etc and is definitely more expensive. I brewed a Dr Smurto's using grains etc from both stores and saved close to $10 at Boronia.
Cans of goop are ok from Big W but sooner or later you will need more specialist gear, and frankly i would be using yeast from the LHBS anyhow.
Where you live Bum, South East suburbs covers a pretty large area...

Personally, I go to Brewcraft in Richmond, the talkative bloke is starting to dabble in partials, and will be trying AG, but really knows his stuff. I use Narre Brew Supplies to walk in, grab what I want, and walk out. Have also gone to G&G when I'm up for the 1 1/4h drive...

Sometimes I send the missus to the Brewers Den because its down the road from her work.

Otherwise mail-order is also good. Mail ordered from both G&G and Craftbrew.

We really do need a decent homebrew shop somewhere in the SE!
Hey Bum, +1 for G&G in Yarraville. I go there because it's closer than anywhere else, but I think you need to make a big shopping list to make it worthwhile. It's better than your LHBS and brewcraft stores. However, some of the AG talk goes over my head and I think they could take more time to explain technical things a bit better, but overall prices are fairly good. Storeowners need to be mindful of educating the average punter at their own pace, whereas some just assume you know everything about brewing and forget that newbies may be walking into their store.


Likewise newbies need to be prepared to pipe up and say 'actually I'm not at that point yet. I'm still getting my head around a few things'.

I am getting my head around many things and I always find I get better, clearer advice if I openly admit I don't know everything and need some help.

Only once have I been inundated with too much info from someone in an HB store who wouldn't let me get a word in edgeways (not even an 'I'm not quite following you, could you explain that process a bit clearer' type word).

By the way - I'm not at that point yet. Most AG tech stuff (beyond what a single infusion mash is) is above my comprehension at the moment. Step by step. Experts will shut up if you politely suggest you're interested but would like not to be overwhelmed. They know you'll always come back for more.
My local HBS owner in Caloundra, Les,is a diamond. If he knows the answer to a question, he'll tell you, as he does brew himself. If it's anything as advanced as steeping grains, he's told me to see Bindi or Screwtop! :)

And bless his cotton socks he even came to the 2006 Xmas in July Swap at Bindi's :icon_chickcheers:

Go see Dave at Greensborough Home Brewing mate.... Service, knowledge and he will even crush your grain when you go AG!!

NB: I said when not if! :p

and Dave's style is just second to none, laid back, good knowledge, easy to deal with, doesn't get pi$$ed off if you hang around for an hour or 2 and talk homebrew etc etc etc. I am yet to come across a store like it. He will even show you his setup and doesn't presume you know more than what you do. He talks on your level and is part of the reason I went from non-brewer to AG in 6 months. AND if you're lucky you can do all the above over a couple of pots of Dave's finest........ cheers :icon_chickcheers:

Having said that, the distance could be a limiting factor for those from the south east... but if you're ever out that way....
Other Brewcrafts you can take or leave (stay away from Heidelberg - had bad experiences there).
Hoppingmad might have a point here.

To start brewing I bought two coopers setups.
Decided to to do one as an ale and the other as a lager. Went to the abovementioned store to buy some S-23. Friendly service, the guy gave me a bottle of his own brew to taste. I took it home. When I tasted it I almost gave up homebrewing..it was "WTF is this?"
Having bought the coopers stuff and S-23 I had to continue ...with good results. Went back a couple of times, service OK...not sure about the advice...and prices...(gee, forums are great) wandered around...other HBS's were worse...much worse.... till I eventually got to Dave at Greensborough...only a few weeks ago...what a relief!
I've travelled far and wide to find a non internet, in your face, old school service and I would recommend for anyone to do it. (Not that the internet stuff is bad in any way but it's so nice to do business face to face with someone who shares your passion.)


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