I wish it were a thousand dollars.
With all due respect, you are way off the money my friend. The programme is calculating for a 23lt batch so why on earth are you putting 26lt as your actual volume into the kettle ( 27-3-1 =23 ) when you are making a 23lt batch, it's obviously not correct if you want to measure brewhouse efficiency. You are double dipping your figures with trub loss. You have already told the software that you will be getting 3.0lt of trub loss so your strike in volume will account for this already. On the brewday sheet, it states from your example, that you should of produced 23lt after cooling loss @1.063.
According to you & your figures, you should have produced this right?
27lt after the boil - 3lt to trub = 24lt - 1lt cooling loss =23lt, correct?
Low & behold, you've got 23lt of wort @1.060, not 26lt @1.060, you have already accounted for the 3lt of trub loss. 23lt total wort produced. It doesn't matter one bit if you get 3.5, 4 or even 5lt of lost trub as long as the total wort in your fermenter + the losses = your batch size, ie: 23lt.
When you formulated this recipe, the trub loss corresponds to your strike volume, try it & see.