Easter Brewing

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First brew of the weekend is about halfway through sacc rest, so should be sparging in about 40mins..... Then when it's in the kettle I'll start grinding the grain for tomorrows effort: Belgian Blonde Rye, no point in rushing these things, one a day is plenty! LOL

Might *if* I feel overly energetic grind the grain for Monday's wit too.....
Not quite brewing, but I did just install a proper shelf in the old ferment fridge, so I can ferment the Scwartzbier from this weekend. :)

Waiting on the arrival of the new MM2 mill prior to next brew.
Turns out my mash tun can't handle the 15.5kg of grain for the first half of the double batch. So I split the mash between my mash tun and a handy pail. Kettle is boiling away now. Floor in the kitchen is sticky from a dropped hose full of sweet wort. It's not a great brew day, but I've got the place to myself and I'm gonna go for the second batch anyway.
Nice one Josh.....

My Amarillo Ale is now in the cube, batch 2 tomorrow.....Wife has requested a brew free day on Sunday, I've been good enough to accept, although I might just use it as a chance to build the rig instead if I get to Bunnings tomorrow...
I started brewing yesterday the first was a Brown Ale this went well . I had a brew bitch and he was a great help thanks to Siborg and the other that I have already mashed in this morning is a Pale Ale with Centennial and Amarillo hops . Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm beer .

No worries, beer belly. I've learnt heaps just from watching/helping out.

That Pale Ale smelt great and the extra hops should be good anyway. I just took a gravity reading of my golden ale I did last week, and I got 1.008. Should be 4.3%ABV... not too bad for my first attempt at AG, ey? I had to have a taste, and it is unbelievable. Glad I added those late hops. I love amarillo now! I might check the gravity later on tonight and if its the same, I'll start cold crashing.

Look forward to brewing that stout soon.
just finnished brewing a german lager today

first brew since moving so my equipment was all over the place, was going to brew on tuesday but swmbo said last night it was best to brew today so before i brewed i had to fix the motor on the mill and fit a thermowell to the HLT.

sacch temp was a bit low had to add 2 lts of boiling water to get it to 64 deg
manifold fell of whilst mashing so had to scoop it out to reattach it.

apart from that the day was fine hit all the rest of my numbers , hopefully it'll turn out ok

95% wey pils
5% wey munich 1

and hopped to 28 IBU's with tettnanger

cheer's matho
Nightmare brewday.

Brewed a freezer cleaner IPA, and tried to get rid of some flaked barley as well while I was at it.

58L preboil of 1.072, goods times. Long mash doing some kegging chores and trying to cleanly harvest yeast.

Besides the flaked barley burning because I put too much into the pot trying to gelatinise it, all went fine. Until. guests arrived. I added a kilo or so of frozen wet hops from last season. It turned the wort to porridge. I couldn't get it to transfer. Sanitised my arms TWICE and tried to jury-rig a mesh bag onto my pickup, did not work. Ended up with chilled, outdoor-wild-yeast-exposed wort for many many many times longer than I am comfortable with as I held my siphon tube inside a mesh colander below the wort surface.

All cleaned up now, demolished a few beers. Life is not so bad when you have half decent beer on tap.
Nightmare brewday.

Brewed a freezer cleaner IPA, and tried to get rid of some flaked barley as well while I was at it.

58L preboil of 1.072, goods times. Long mash doing some kegging chores and trying to cleanly harvest yeast.

Besides the flaked barley burning because I put too much into the pot trying to gelatinise it, all went fine. Until. guests arrived. I added a kilo or so of frozen wet hops from last season. It turned the wort to porridge. I couldn't get it to transfer. Sanitised my arms TWICE and tried to jury-rig a mesh bag onto my pickup, did not work. Ended up with chilled, outdoor-wild-yeast-exposed wort for many many many times longer than I am comfortable with as I held my siphon tube inside a mesh colander below the wort surface.

All cleaned up now, demolished a few beers. Life is not so bad when you have half decent beer on tap.

You might be surprised at how well this one will turn out, or not. <_<

I on the other hand had a great brewday, everything went to plan hit my temps and got my, now, usual 104ish % efficiency (don't ask, I've given up trying to figure that one out!). So I now have another 19L of Sorachi Summer ale on the go, it's just too nice not to have around!

Tomorrow it will be the turn of the Belgian Blonde to do her rye trip through the mash tun! :icon_chickcheers:
hopefully brewing, on sunday, my smoked belgian dark strong for the july case swap. this is all dependent on me getting my smoker fixed as the bottom broke on my cheap arse pot.
Well Ive mashed-in a 46l batch of the old Hobgoblin this morning for the first time (new recipe) looks good colour wise and smells great. :)

Hey gregs,

I've fine-tuned my Hobgoblin clone TTBOMA but wouldn't mind a Captain Cook at yours? :ph34r: :p
A lot of brewers seem to think of Hobgoblin as an Old Ale when it's actually a Northern Brown according to BJCP 2008. :eek:
PM me if you're interested in comparing recipes.

You might be surprised at how well this one will turn out, or not.


I know. My last effort like this using a bunch of wet hops with people over, which I conveniently forgot how much trouble it was with my setup (I have no idea why after 50 beers). It ended up bagging 3rd at state, and with some age as well. tyhe thing is I hate not being in control. I had prepared a certain amount of yeast, but ended up wishing I had the entire amount of yeast from both fermenters I kegged just to provide unstoppable competition, but alas, the rest of my yeast was headed to sea. Nothing I can do now except hope that it is OK and drink it quick if it is.
Well I've screwed the pooch a little. All 7 recipes I thought I could do u either don't have the yeast ready or am missing hops. So I'm going to do Docs yardglass lite with munichII instead of dark wheat and sub a little cascade with amrillo. Who runs out of cascade!

Will knock out a 'red drunken mongrel monk' which will use up the last of extract and a kit I found cleaning up throw sone caraaroma/red for colour and grains of paradise and camomile holdings and saaz for giggles.

Will also do a LPRC 'liquid panty remover cider', mixed juices with 1kg honey, cinamon and vanilla. Backsweeten with lactose. Maybe throw a bottle of vodka in latter on. It's for a party and mass appeal not craft appeal.

If I get to the market to get cheap Ginger then I'll bash out a Ginger beer.
Did a Kolsch brew yesterday with a mate. All went to plan, which is good. Just hoping this yeast gets fired up sooner rather then later.

Other wise should be a great beer.
It's not a great brew day, but I've got the place to myself and I'm gonna go for the second batch anyway.

Hey! I'm doing 3 dbl batches this weekend. Although its saturday, i thought i'd do atleast 1 today (planned 3 dbls for sunday). had my first BIAB bag rip on me about an hr and a 1/2 ago! GRRRRR! :angry: But having said that, 1/2 hr with a tea strainer sorted most of the problem out!

Nice one Josh.....

Wife has requested a brew free day on Sunday, I've been good enough to accept, although I might just use it as a chance to build the rig instead if I get to Bunnings tomorrow...

Funny u posted that! my missus said the only day i could brew WAS Sunday (water to wine, grain to beer...... pretty close i think!) I gotta go to bunnings 2morrow aswell (or this arvo!) get a new ball valve, and a couple of back-nuts! for my party esky/mash tun.....
Sparging my Belgian Blonde ATM. A bit slower than expected, did much better yesterday with the high wheat summer ale, than I am with this low rye blonde..... Didn't use rice hulls in either, oh well one more lesson learnt. ;)

Should have been brewing a Best Bitter right now but thanks to StillScottish and S/R and a bottle of rum last night I'm having a nanna nap and hoping the fairies clean up the mess. <_<
Brewing should resume this afternoon.
Czech Pils on Thursday night FES right now
hopefully brewing, on sunday, my smoked belgian dark strong for the july case swap. this is all dependent on me getting my smoker fixed as the bottom broke on my cheap arse pot.
smoker fixed and up and running right now. the whole house smells like smoke and rum. looks like im brewing tomorrow.

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