Easter Brewing

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Im doing a Belgian Pale Ale and a S189 lager of some description.
Hmmm... I hadn't planed on brewing over the break, as my kegs are full, but what the hey. I'll brew a mild and a CPA, or a Mild and a psuedo rice lager depends on how i feel :p

Although for it all to happen I need my stout to finish as it hogging room in my fermenting fridge, its currently sitting at 1022 @ 20C after a cool ferment with 1968 :( Time for a stir...

Not sure what I'm brewing yet; maybe some JSGA; but I plan on getting 6 cubes full by the end of the weekend.

I am plum out of beer thanks to Franko, Pumpy, Hogan, Schooey and Les. So I'm going to hopefully pump out 3 x doubles. An ESB, an APA and prolly a nice Mild. Hopefully this will all happen on Sunday after the kids get all zoned out on chocolate excesses.

Chap Chap

:eek:...Dry yer eyes, Princess...:p

I edited it for you to make it more correct, Chappo.... If you like, I'll be behind the bar at the FIL's pub up on the QLD border for most of Easter, swing by an I'll shout you a couple of dozen schooeys of gold.. :p
:eek: ...Dry yer eyes, Princess... :p

I edited it for you to make it more correct, Chappo.... If you like, I'll be behind the bar at the FIL's pub up on the QLD border for most of Easter, swing by an I'll shout you a couple of dozen schooeys of gold.. :p

:lol: How far past the border? I will in Tweed on Sunday.
not brewing due to working the whole long weekend but i have 2 fermenting and 2 c.cing atm. may all who brew hit their targets :icon_cheers:
Same lattitude as Tweed.... just a little farther West... ;)

Ever heard of Goondiwonderland? When you get there, you've almost made it
I will probably do a stout on friday or saturday in between renovating and plastering dads shed extension bar motorbike pool room

either oatmeal or FES im not real sure, i have some oats to use up.

and the i had better do another american brown (operation mongoose double batch) this beer does not last long around my place.

I've got the week off after Easter, so certainly the plan is to fill a few cubes while time permits. Most of my weekends are full in April and I have child #2 due in May, so I'll need some instant kegs :)

Planning a double mild batch, and three different porters. I have some hazelnut to use in one, home made vanilla (imported bourbon beans + bottle of vodka + 8 months) and another of my choc porter. One of these will end up being my case swap beer in July, so they all should be nicely balanced by then.
Probably doing a Belgian blonde of some description, a wit and maybe something heavy......probably also of Belgian origin....

My sister is going to hate me, she recons I brew too much as it is, but I feel starting a brew every two weeks is just about right. :p
I delayed visiting family for one day and will spend friday brewing.

Mild ale if my 1187 comes tomorrow.
US Pale if it doesn't

Then watching the WRC Jordan leg at 6
Pale ale on Friday same recipe as the last but upping the late hop additions for a little tweak.

cant believe it, four days off, four empty kegs..... One thirsty dude!!!

brewing a Bitter on Fri and a Yanki Amber on Sat..

really looking forward to a couple of days in the man cave :super:
I'm looking at an English theme on Friday. The wheat's on Saturday - really looking forward to the Rosella wit (should look alarming).
I'm gonna make my first all-extract brew on Friday. The Centamarillo, but with some steeped grain (also a first for me) to try and give it a bit of a redder colour. Red Centamarillo.
Hey Schooey,

don't think I'll make it that far north by Easter so how about sending a few bottles of the local produce down south to gods own (adelaide....)?
Planning to do three different brews over the next 1-2 weeks: Saisoon buffoon, Fourstar's Reunification Express and Mugwort Anti-imperial stout. I have some stuff on the way down from Craftbrewer but I really worry that I picked the worst time to order liquid yeast! Please don't be sitting in the post office until Tuesday!

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