Dry Versus Ferment Hopping

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cat thread > /dev/null
Does nothing. Absolutely nothing. Do you mean

rm -rf thread
mv thread /dev/null

or perhaps something that would make the thread make sense...

sed '/speedie/,/enigma/d' thread.php > better_thread.php


Even better... insert this somewhere...

WHERE Username='speedie' AND Member No='17592';


[quote post='739710' date='Feb 10 2011, 08:50 PM']for i in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1; do echo "$i aggots hanging on the wall"; done[/quote]
What? And type out numbers like a monkey?

for i in {10..0}


for i in `seq 10 0'

= much cleaner.


What do you think about using Perl

i write Perl in 400L batches

i once tried to do a batch using shell, i'll call this the shell-brew and the perl-brew was clearer and was appreciated by all

i think that NO! brewer worth his aggots should code anything in shell

p.s haven't got my sh-fu on after a couple of beers... damn shell

What do you think about using Perl

i write Perl in 400L batches

i once tried to do a batch using shell, i'll call this the shell-brew and the perl-brew was clearer and was appreciated by all

i think that NO! brewer worth his aggots should code anything in shell
Let me guess... Obfuscated perl?

[codebox]@P=split//,".URRUU\c8R";@d=split//,"\nyl!m4f togga 3ht 2 em0cleW";sub p{
($p{$_})&6];$p{$_}=/ ^$P/ix?$P:close$_}keys%p}p;p;p;p;p;map{$p{$_}=~/^[P.]/&&
close$_}%p;wait until$?;map{/^r/&&<$_>}%p;$_=$d[$q];sleep rand(2)if/\S/;print[/codebox]

Go on - run it.
Ok QB, I'm gonna have to ask the 15yr old neo genius resident in this house where you got that graphic. Everytime I walk out here he has something like that on screen.

You guys definitely make my nerdness look more like a biker patch.

Sure you don't want to edit that Malted.
I love how this thread has evolved - nothing can beat it; All Hail The Thread!
for i in `seq 10 0'
oh dear... that last character should be a back apostrophe (for want of a better name).

And I love the DELETE FROM USER sql query...

But in response to the "pew pew", I'm afraid I'm just going to have to take you all down with me:

kill -9 -1
(go on, try it!)
oh dear... that last character should be a back apostrophe (for want of a better name).
Oh noes! My LaTeX formatting has crossed-over to my shell programming. I borked it anyway, so I'll repair it now;

for i in $(seq 10 -1 0)

and get rid of the backticks altogether. They're deprecated anyways, and besides, the {10..0} method is much cleaner.


Have we killed this thread yet? No? Needs more randomness? Fine;

(Large externally hosted file! Totally worth the wait)

I think we need a thread hall of fame! With a historical listing of all the legendary threads on AHB.

(would the chinese hop one make it?)
This thread has taken a turn down the somethingawful road. I didn't think it would happen, but I'm pleased. That bees gif is brilliant.
^ that's just ******* hilarious
It goes to show how infantile most of you young nerdy readers are

As Dan pointed out in an earlier post you sit behind your little screen and slander at will

Knowing full well that you have enmity

I post something of substance and you respond with school kid remarks

Why dont you try and do some investigation of your own Endeavour

At least I am drinking (really) good beer as judged by others

Clearly you've discovered the 'Thesaurus' function in Word there, Speedie....

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