Drinking and Driving/Riding

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Deer Park Victoria.
I lost my best mate yesterday. Known him for my whole life. Was messaging him right before he died. Teaching him what I know about brewing and having a good laugh. Now he is dead. He was having a couple of quiet ones at Holgate and didnt make it home. His ten year old daughter wont see him again. Neither will I or everyone else that loved him. We al drink here and I would suggest that a lot of us have pushed the limits at one point or another. I dont need to hear sympathy or condolences, I would like to hear how many others have experienced the same. Drinking and brewing is fantastic fun and very satisfying too. But it doesnt mix with getting on a motorbike or in a car. Killing yourself is bad enough for your family and friends, but killing someone else would be something you could never forget or forgive yourself for. Stay safe.
I've never been in that situation but I know people who have. Dangerous dealings.
Cheers mate. I did a lot of time up in the bush. North West Queensland. It was the norm to drink and drive. Not much to hit up there but cows and trees. We used to drink with the local cops. And they would watch us drive out of town. Don't want to be too preachy as the guys I have had a beer with from this site are very responsible. But it only takes a good night or a bad night to change your life forever.
I'm sorry for your loss too mate. Understand the pain well. Just got to keep remembering the good times.

Lost my best mate in similar circumstances near 10 years ago. We were both from a small country town and we both used to drink and drive. It was pretty much the norm there. Twice he'd put his ute in a canal. The second time upside down and he near drowned. When he was killed, he wasn't driving, but they were both drunk. Driver lost control and hit a power pole at high speed. Apparently tore the ute in 2 & both were killed instantly.

Thankfully, I've not lost other close mates the same way, but several acquaintances. It's pretty endemic in the country, or at least it was before i got out.
That sucks mate, sad for everyone who loved him. An old mate of mine drove his car into a tree when he was pissed and had had a fight with his Mum. Officially an accident, but probably wasn't.
I am also from the country and it is unfortunately all too familliar. Sucks. No two ways about it. Sorry mate.
Sorry to hear that mate, it happens way too often. Even more so when theres a kid left wondering...

Same happened to me bout 25 years ago, my best man, me his best man, mates for 35 years, him godfather to one of our kids.

He had way too many sherbets to be driving, rolled his ute.
He was in a coma like state in Perth for 9 years before he died. Horrible for his family.

Another good mate - same thing, rolled his ute going home from a pissup after footyvtraining in kambalda WA.

We all used to drive pissed all the time growing up in the bush, but things have changed now, its no longer acceptable to do it.

Think of your loved ones before you drink and drive lads.
Yeah its not a good culture. I remember drinking at the swinging arms in Kambalda and at close someone would drive is up to the hill. And the party would continue. It's just a waste of life and the ones that are left with the scars are often the families and friends.
Did your mate answer your text while driving?
That is also a very dangerous thing to do, even though we have all probably done both.
Once at a party the host let down a mutual friend's tyres to stop him driving drunk. He called the raa to get them reinflated, and the guy told him he shouldn't drive. He still did and called when he got home all "see I told you I'll be fine". Dickhead.
Sorry to hear that, mate. Losing someone takes it out of you, so take care.
Thankfully, I have never lost a mate to drink driving, but we nearly did a few weeks ago. He came off his bike and is still in hospital now with multiple broken bones, no skin on his forearms and a punctured lung. He will recover, but he knows exactly how lucky he is.
I have a mate who lives in Indo, he always rides his sooter around drunk as there's no drink driving laws over there and he insists he only rides "slowly" after he's been drinking and it doesnt hurt when he comes off.

There's just no talking sense to some people. :rolleyes:
Sorry to hear about your loss Djar.

I must have nearly got done for low range DUI on Saturday, I had 2 beers with lunch at about 2.00 ish, then another 2 beers between 4 and 6. Left home around 7 to go to a party and there was a breathalyser unit setup around the corner.

I felt fine and didn't blow over, but I was disappointed with myself, that I was taking such a stupid risk.
I think the vast majority of us have done it. I get breath tested at work every day so it's a good constant reminder. But guys still get done a bit. I feel torn between being pissed off with my mate and feeling very sorry for him. What i have to tell my daughter is more clear cut. Alcohol is a drug. And it impairs judgement. Took us into the whole debate about why it's ok for adults but not kids to drink. And what problems alcohol can cause in a human and in a family. So I guess that's a positive. She now has a few more tools to use against her friends when peer pressure turns up. I hope.
I've always found that the people with the most respect for alcohol are those whose parents allowed them to partake in small supervised quantities in their teens. Same applies for tobacco. People with the least respect seem to be those who had over protective parents that would barely allow a sniff. An informed child has the greatest chance of making adult decisions.
Black Devil Dog said:
Sorry to hear about your loss Djar.

I must have nearly got done for low range DUI on Saturday, I had 2 beers with lunch at about 2.00 ish, then another 2 beers between 4 and 6. Left home around 7 to go to a party and there was a breathalyser unit setup around the corner.

I felt fine and didn't blow over, but I was disappointed with myself, that I was taking such a stupid risk.
how big were the beers? Unless they were pints of heavy you would have been well under.

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