Craft-brewer, Home-brewer, Cheap-skate Or Wanker?

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60% Homebrewer, 30% Hobby Brewer, 10% Wanker :D
I only started brewing because I was in big w one day and coopers brew kits were on special, I thought this might be a bit of fun getting pissed on somthing I made myself so I grabbed 1. My first brew didn't buble out the airlock so that went down the drain, back then I thought it had to bubble to be working. I left it for a few months then thought I should give it another shot. 2nd time I had success and havn't stopped since.

I have been avoiding this thread because I knew I would have to admit that i'm a wanker....
I have been avoiding this thread because I knew I would have to admit that i'm a wanker....

It does seem to be turning into one of those "Hello, my name's Geoff and I am a wanker." style of coming togethers (if you'll pardon the expression)...
All i ever think about is home brewing so i guess im a homebrewer
My brewing has evolved with my taste for beers.
When I first started brewing, I happily drank my megaswill and regulation 'imported green bottle' lagers, thinking that was all there was to beer and brewed beer accordingly.
Once I got a taste for the likes of LCPA and Chimay and hefeweizens and stouts...etc...I wanted to brew beers like that, and try more and more different beer styles.
And so began my decline into wankerdom...

Actually, I consider myself more of a "Brew Maverick". I love to push the envelope with my beers as much as possible...if i hear of some ridiculous style of beer, i'll try brewing it...if I can get hold of a new hop, i'll try it and use it to extreme levels....hell, if I find something that could be used to flavour a beer (or fermented beverage) i'll chuck it in without worrying myself too much about the end result, because I just love experimenting and trying out new flavours.
hell, if I find something that could be used to flavour a beer

You mean like a combination of chilli and vanilla? Man, that thing went down a treat with a good honey-soy chicken stir-fry! Too bad it was best when drunk under 3 months 6 it turned horrible :<
You mean like a combination of chilli and vanilla? Man, that thing went down a treat with a good honey-soy chicken stir-fry! Too bad it was best when drunk under 3 months 6 it turned horrible :<
Haven't done that combination yet. Put chilli in a ginger beer with reasonable results...very hot...and vanilla in a stout, along with cocoa, cloves, and cinamon stick...lets just say I overdid the cloves!

On that note, if anyone would like a bottle of 10% spiced stout...i'm your man...
It does seem to be turning into one of those "Hello, my name's Geoff and I am a wanker." style of coming togethers (if you'll pardon the expression)...


From the responses in this thread I hope ANHC 08 have plenty of tissues on hand. :eek: Could be a messy three days ;)



From the responses in this thread I hope ANHC 08 have plenty of tissues on hand. :eek: Could be a messy three days ;)



Indeed! :D :D But, I have also been impressed by the number of people posting who have shown they are not taking things too seriously. I think we do sometimes and this thread (among others of late) helped remind me of that...
I started brewing because my other half was looking for ways to save money and said (once was enough) you could try brewing your own as it would be cheaper. Then I asked a mate at work what was the best brewing kit to buy and as he was off overseas for a few years so he sold me his full kit for $25, fermenter, hydrometer, 30 PET bottles, bottle stand, spoon, sugar hopper, air lock and enough ingredients for my first brew. Bargain. Never looked back.
I don't plan to go all grain as it is just to much time/space/cost/effort at the moment. I do fancy cans and bits. Am I a Home brewanker? Some one can nick this name if they want.
I live beer. Just like all of you. It's my happy place. :D

Thankyou all for all the good company that I now keep. :D
I think that there are only 2 types of people in the world, cheep skates and wankers or a little of both!
I live beer. Just like all of you. It's my happy place. :D

Thankyou all for all the good company that I now keep. :D

Likewise. Working in a brewery would top it off. Something I am striving for.
Ok I did not get into homebrewing because it was cheap. I started after being given a homebrew kit by my partner.
From that I have become a Hobby Brewer slightly obsessed.

The wanker part is a total different hobby. :unsure:

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