Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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Thank God no one listened to the neigh-sayers.
Bribie G said:
but then they fit more into the paddock.

Aldi are already test marketing products in their Homeland:

2:30 per kilo for human hand. That's a bargain considering you get a free watch with every hand.
That's per piece, not per kilo.

And sorry to disappoint, but that's not Aldi either, obviously.
I personally would consume mini horse small-goods.

You just need the correct marketing. Like French words.

Tête de veau? Mmmm. Doesn't sound like whole calf's head boiled in broth at all.
Diner: "Waiter, there's some ebola in my soup!"

Waiter: "Mmmm yes sir, everyone's dyyying for a bowl."

I can see Charles Darwin shrugging his shoulders at those photos. **** me drunk.
At least they've gone to the trouble of removing the fur from the Guinea- that bat soup looks like the poor bugger landed in it as it was being brought to the table.....

austin said:
Mine just said "I guess" then sighed.
And all that hard work trying to win her over,:) no wonder a bloke drinks !
All of these sick people not coming to work are giving me plenty of opportunity to do overtime!!

Guess what I'm saving for..
After my last post about Centrelink dramas I finally had a win. I phond them up after giving them a statement of child support paid and they said we did factor in your child support but it was slightly out and we owe you $72.00. Whoopty ******* doo. What about the $1500 you garnished for my tax return?
Oh that's child support you have to speak to them. So another call to CS and they tell me that when my daughter lived with me I didn't claim child support from her mother so they told Centrelink there was no maintenance action taken and that's why they garnished my tax return to the tune of $1500.
Umm I didn't claim CS from her mother because I was paying her for the other 3 kids that still lived with her FFS. And CS knew that because they worked out what I had to pay her.
Typical bloody situation where the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing with these gov depts.

So CS send off the info to centrelink and I phone them back a week later and am told that not only am I getting back the $1500 they took from my tax return but also a further $1000 that I paid to Dunn and Bradstreet back in 2010 as I was told then I was overpaid and owed a debt.

She said to me you would be surprised how many people cop these debts and just let it go because they don't realise that it's a mistake.

You would think that if CS can work out how much I have to pay my ex for 3 of my children who lived with her while one was living with me that they would also be able to tell Centrelink that there are two cases involved not just one. But of course not. ******* useless.

On A Current Affair tonight they said Aust Post was the second most complained about department after Centrelink. Does not ******* surprise me.

So at least I now have plenty of money for some brew gear.
I had a call to CS today....wanted to update my income situation. The bloke I spoke to was really good and knew his stuff. He basically told me not to update my income situation as they base CS on your previous income, via the ATO. He said legally I dont have to pay anything extra until next financial year, but I could if I wanted to, but would affect my ex's FTB befit..etc...etc...

But the whole CS thing is a nightmare....they never seem to get it right unless you really push them...