Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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schrodinger said:
They can be rough, for sure. But most proper utes I've driven are that way.
It was like driving a rocking horse the way it was pitching back and forth.

To make matters worse, after losing a day because my stuff didn't turn up and having the whole ute saga on Friday, I get the bearers and joists and half the back wall done yesterday. Wake up today raring to go and its pissing down. Hasn't stopped all day. Spewing.
StalkingWilbur said:
Hahah. Sometimes at the lights I feather the brake on off really fast to get some nice jiggling action when my girlfriend is in the car.
A man after my own heart!
Rant thread? Jehovah's Witnesses mentioned? It is my time.
My sister met a bloke years back. Went by the name of Jack, kiwi, and was a decent fella. Chippy by trade, easy to talk to and didn't mind a drop and having a good time. My sister was no different.
After a year and a half he suddenly announced 'Jack' was a pseudonym, he actually used to be a Joho and was denounced and disowned by his family when he split up with his wife from a former marriage. He decided to get back into it and hence couldn't be in a relationship because she was not a Joho.
Fast forward they're now married with 2 kids. They celebrate NOTHING except weddings, are deceivingly disrespectful towards others' beliefs and traditions (Anzac Day for one) to identify themselves as a better class of people, and bear terrible double standards that contradict their own prejudices.
Specifically - wouldn't let my old man (father in law) and his partner sleep in the same room in son-in-law's house while they stayed there when visiting their newly born grandchild. Why? Because they are unwed. This is the same man that allowed him to sleep in the same room with his daughter when he was unmarried (and not practicing at the time) under his own roof. To say dad was insulted was an understatement.
Sorry I brought religion into this but rant I will. Can't imagine there are too many J-dubs on here being a brewing forum, not meant to be any sort of attack. It's just I feel my family has been attacked by it all already, regardless of how nice they are.
As much as I agree with you, race & religion has a biased attitude, at the end of the day it is their choice, wouldn't be mine or many others but that is their chosen path in life and its something you can't argue about, I feel sorry for your sister.
Ahh,J -dubs,now let me tell a story.
A friend of mine ( a large beer gut,and calls a spade a f,ING spade, a horrible sight to behold when dressed in only a pair of shorts..) .On a Sunday morning his wife spots 2 J-dubs walking up the driveway,she shoves a beer in his hand tells him to strip down to his jocks and answer the door,as he opens the door she ran too him dressed only in her knickers,tits bouncing all over the place shoved her hand down the front of his jocks,grabbed his dick and said " come back to bed and give it to me again".
They both swear they have been blacklisted as they have not since been bothered.
Gotta be a good 20 years ago.
The Jehovah's Witnesses are one of the most ****** up religions solely due to disfellowshipping. Cutting people off from their families, children, loved ones because they don't believe exactly what you do anymore. It's ******* monstrous. Get into them about it wherever, whenever you see them. They flee once you start exposing their religion for the hate that fills it. **** them. Consider this an attack. I've watched three of the most beautiful people I know go through the hell of a lifetime of being cut off by their families for holding different beliefs. If the apocalypse come the Jehovah's Witnesses are the first ones I'll eat, and the Nazi-type racist fear-mongers will be the ones I kill for pleasure. Did I mention I'm Buddhist?

Although I do like the JW's weirdly idealistic post-rapture art. It's wildly puritanical and bizarre.
Ever seen that episode of South Park where the world has slowly drawn away from religion because science and sceptical thinking caused it to dwindle into non-existence? The world eventually worships science, and form two separate scientific entities based on their differences in scientific beliefs. I suppose one way or another humanity is skewed for some of conflict. Would a world of atheists result in harmony and an end to wars? Doubt it. I'd argue a world without religion would be a sadder place, because many classic jokes based on religion would no longer be understood.

Clever bastards Parker and Stone.
I had a neaughbour who was a Catholic priest. Used to take great delight in sending the Jehova's to him......and he loved them visiting cause he offer them a cuppa and them tear them a new religious arse....
Ducatiboy stu said:
I had a neaughbour who was a Catholic priest. Used to take great delight in sending the Jehova's to him......and he loved them visiting cause he offer them a cuppa and them tear them a new religious arse....
Haha yeah I've seen that happen. My wife's uncle is a priest. Had some Jehovah's knock and he Proceeded to break them down over 3 hours. Afterwards faces were all

Kayne said:
Haha yeah I've seen that happen. My wife's uncle is a priest. Had some Jehovah's knock and he Proceeded to break them down over 3 hours. Afterwards faces were all
My Papa was the same. A devout Christian. He would invite them in and then spend 2 hours telling them they were wrong and he was right. Maybe they thought they could convince him... a Dutchman... bwahahahahahahaha!
Screw religion and Joho's, and utes that jiggle your Mrs's tits (still not sure what the problem with that is)....

I finally changed the tap on my urn and put a ball valve on it. The ****** of an urn died on the first brew with the new tap.

I blame the tap
GrumpyPaul said:
Screw religion and Joho's, and utes that jiggle your Mrs's tits (still not sure what the problem with that is)....

I finally changed the tap on my urn and put a ball valve on it. The ****** of an urn died on the first brew with the new tap.

I blame the tap
Funniest thing I read today.
hahahaha - hadn't thought about Black Books for yonks, would love to see the series again.

I chose a bad day to give up Pirate Bay

Bribie G said:
I chose a bad day to give up Pirate Bay

Not to worry. Give it a couple of months and you'll support it again. ;)