OK here's my rant. I have been brewing for about 6 or 7 years now. Originally, my old man and I brewed together but it was like brewing with a two year old. ALmost every time he came over, he'd ask the same dumb questions like "What are we doing now?" "Why do we do that for?" "Where is such or other thing?" and so on and so forth. Not to mention whenever he did do something he'd often **** it up, he'd get stuff out and not put it away, etc. I'd organise the recipe, I'd get the ingredients, I'd stick it in my fridge, I'd monitor it and get the yeast ready, he'd take half the beer. It was just easier to brew myself so that's what ended up happening - I'd brew the beer, he'd come over and bottle his. After about 6 years of that I eventually said it was over to him to do the brewing and I'd take pleasure in rocking up to his house, kegging my beer and going home.
Well, between my parents travelling (they are retired), his poor planning and lack of brewing, it turned out that instead of brewing at my house I had now basically just transferred my brewing gear to his house and now had to brew there and not in the comfort of my own home (garage). He has recently bought a braumeister and we've gotten rid of our other gear, but the problem remains. As I drink more than he does, I have this expectation from him that every time I want to do a brew I'm expected to give him half which is fine, so long as he's brewing the same amount which, of course, he isn't. I have a 6 keg kegerator and I reckon it's been full of kegs about once in 3 years.
Is it time to tell him to brew his own and I'll brew my own? Does anyone else have this (or similar) dilemma?