Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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With the administrative resources these pollies get when they are campaigning for positions, as well as the presumption that they are mentally fit and smarter than the average bear, wouldn't checking the basics for eligibility to hold office be the first thing they'd check off the list???
Bit like lying on your resumhey?

Hit the nail on the bloody head! ********* with only themselves to blame. And half these people are lawyers!
I wouldn't qualify then, because I get a very small part pension (pocket money, basically) from working for 10 years in New Zealand, so I'm entitled to a benefit from a foreign nation.

Dear Warra

Subject:- Eligibility to be elected for a seat in the Australian Parliament

We wish to inform you that no, you cant

I'm much relieved.
I'd have to learn to lie with a straight face, and I'd rather not do that.
in a semi kinda srs rant, as a kiwi living in Aus off my own means since arriving after it was deemed uncool to dole out to the "the local work force," I am pretty ******* pissed about the lack of ANZAC spirit that once upon a time bound both countries that once upon a time saw a lot of **** but now counts for pretty much **** all apart from April 25th which is apparent to me more an more each year, and **** you if you do not think that means anything. I'm ******* pissed they took 122 mill to bollock on about the gays in the village when they should have putting the mirror RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEMSELVES and think about who they are representing. ****, I'm pissed and i am really glad i can go home at any time. I can take my wife (who works for a KIWI company, in AUSTRALIA with a god-*******-awful 4g connection mind you...) back home, where people treat people right, my wife would get some kind of basic support and enfranchisement despite anything i might do i.e she could vote IF SHE WANTS TO...
Dual citizen ? **** off. Who care's?
You're a representation of your constituency **** OFF and get on with it!

Sorry not finished yet...
So you've been living in this country for over X years... Can you vote? Nah **** you you've only been paying taxes for **** you, i mean the hospitals and police are nice but **** your enfranchisement .. anyway i'm at a real moral crisis, as you can tell.
Hey! Canberra, jam it right up ya, house of reps, right up your ******* right wing backward arse retarded outlook on the "future."
Believe it or not i have more, but this is forum of grace and brewing i shall contain myself.
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Grace and brewing? I would say occasionally it's both those things, and this is the place to rant and "get it off ya chest" so rant away brother. I'm well over what our parliament has become, and what little they actually do. They all seem to concentrate way to much on trying to bring each other down and one up each other to actually get anything done. If one side actually had a brilliant idea the other side would disagree just as they feel they have too. The NBN is a case in point. The nat/libs have ****** it and made it more expensive when they could admitted it was a good idea and actually helped move the project forward.
Still either side actually having an idea to do anything that would actually help people is the ravings of a mad man...
just had a sip an nod... that's all.
i remember being told once, 20 years ago, about the importance of Genesis.
i hear tell of some regurgitatant cover of which feels incongruent to present.
Selling a car on Gumtree. Fark me.

I'm trying to sell a Corolla, old but reliable. I've gotten about five calls so far where the caller asks "what can you tell me about the car?" How the hell do you answer that?!
"Oh, old Bessie loves a drive on the beach and loves to explore, if you know what I mean ;)"
I took to answering this question with absolute sarcasm since I'm a bit of a dick. It has four wheels and it goes when you push a special stick in the driver's footwell.

And don't get me started on the low-ballers. I'll get myself started.
People often call and ask what my lowest price is. Fair question. $2k, I say, I don't mince my words. Take it or leave it. So this guy calls and opens with "I'm not going to waste your time".. "what's your lowest price" etc. I tell him. Ten minutes later of questions, prefaced by "I won't waste your time", and he says I'd really be helping him out if I let him have it for $1500 because he's buying a car for his nephew. Buddy, I have misplaced any ***** I had to give about your nephew. Texts me again two days later asking again. Lordy.
Appropriate context to chuck in this little convo I had a couple years back..
Selling a car on Gumtree. Fark me.

I'm trying to sell a Corolla, old but reliable. I've gotten about five calls so far where the caller asks "what can you tell me about the car?" How the hell do you answer that?!
"Oh, old Bessie loves a drive on the beach and loves to explore, if you know what I mean ;)"
I took to answering this question with absolute sarcasm since I'm a bit of a dick. It has four wheels and it goes when you push a special stick in the driver's footwell.

And don't get me started on the low-ballers. I'll get myself started.
People often call and ask what my lowest price is. Fair question. $2k, I say, I don't mince my words. Take it or leave it. So this guy calls and opens with "I'm not going to waste your time".. "what's your lowest price" etc. I tell him. Ten minutes later of questions, prefaced by "I won't waste your time", and he says I'd really be helping him out if I let him have it for $1500 because he's buying a car for his nephew. Buddy, I have misplaced any ***** I had to give about your nephew. Texts me again two days later asking again. Lordy.
Whats the car worth once a car gets old hard to sell does it have an air bag issue $1500 may be a good offer what phone number are you using sure there is a lot of mailing list collecting going on.
I see it as an epidemic. Some kind of brain decaying virus being spread through social media perhaps but then there's all those other types of zombies too brain dead to be apt enough to use social media or even a computer or drive a car is far beyond their aptitude.
Bloody zombie epidemic. Seems contagious too. or just the herd facter. The more half witted and absent minded people get the more half witted and absent minded more people get!
Bloody sheeple zombies...
I work with a lady who believes in the whole shibang of conpiracy theories. She gets all of her info from a pod cast so it must be true. Vaccines are bad of course but among others, nuclear weapons dont exist and the appartment tower that burned in London was a hoax. Theu used actors to appear in the media. Its amazing how the conversation can go from normal to nucking futs in no time at all. It keeps things interesting though.
I used to live in Santa Fe, NM - a hotbed of fruits, nuts and vegetables - and the conversations about the black helicopters and the different species of aliens (grey, yellow, blue) and their reasons for being here were…frustrating.
I used to live in Santa Fe, NM - a hotbed of fruits, nuts and vegetables - and the conversations about the black helicopters and the different species of aliens (grey, yellow, blue) and their reasons for being here were…frustrating.
Reasons? Obviously aliens have used their superior technology to perfect interstellar/intergalactic travel for the sole purposes of mutilating cattle, probing anuses and becoming POTUS. It's the aspiration of all aliens. Oh, don't forget crashing. They've overcome the immense difficulties of superluminal travel/spacetime manipulation only to crash once they arrive.