Selling a car on Gumtree. Fark me.
I'm trying to sell a Corolla, old but reliable. I've gotten about five calls so far where the caller asks "what can you tell me about the car?" How the hell do you answer that?!
"Oh, old Bessie loves a drive on the beach and loves to explore, if you know what I mean

I took to answering this question with absolute sarcasm since I'm a bit of a dick. It has four wheels and it goes when you push a special stick in the driver's footwell.
And don't get me started on the low-ballers. I'll get myself started.
People often call and ask what my lowest price is. Fair question. $2k, I say, I don't mince my words. Take it or leave it. So this guy calls and opens with "I'm not going to waste your time".. "what's your lowest price" etc. I tell him. Ten minutes later of questions, prefaced by "I won't waste your time", and he says I'd really be helping him out if I let him have it for $1500 because he's buying a car for his nephew. Buddy, I have misplaced any ***** I had to give about your nephew. Texts me again two days later asking again. Lordy.