Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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Yes, they restrict the things that really need to be collected like microwaves and tv's. They wonder why they get dumped illegally. I remember when we went digital in Adelaide, free dump station 30km away, local dump $30 and they wondered why every bush had a TV behind it.
Like the internet ( have it) there is this assumption that everyone has a car or 30 bucks lying around.
I remember putting an old bbq out on the footpath a few years ago. It was stripped of parts by 3 separate people over the space of a few hours. One took the burners, another the hot plates, then somebody got the wheels. All that was left was a carcass... it reminded me of a bit of roadkill

Nah. If it were Roadkill, they'd take you're wreck of a BBQ and spend the rest of the episode trying to make it work with an industrial wok, kebab rotisserie and high pressure gas regulator.
I left junk out on the street. Just old **** like broken chair, bookshelf, suitcase, some foam half a bed

2 days latter...GONE...

I am going to do it more often, easier than loading a trailer
Because it's simpler to consume American media and not question what the **** happened to Aussie culture. I'm a Sepp by birth, and I chose to live here 20 years ago because of the culture. Australians are/were freeer than the Americans could even imagine. Don't let it die.
why do people use that puerile American word ass when we are referring to ARSE?
An ass is a donkey an ARSE is a bum, bottom, rear end etc
Because they're USA head ****** non patriotic Australians? Even Americans living in Australia should have the respect that the word is Arse!
Pisses me off that spell check doesn't even recognize it.
So how many more years of suppression and loss of identity upon the true blue white Aussie until we get apologized to? :p
Maybe after 95% of us get slaughtered by an invading population who consistently & proudly declare for the first 150 years thereafter that there weren't even any other people here when they arrived, and that they were merely "cleaning up" the local animal population a little.

Are we seriously that weak and fragile that when atrocities are pointed out that occurred over a century ago, that weren't perpetrated by ourselves, and probably not even our great grandfathers or anyone remotely connected to us (how many contemporary Australians even had a relative living here more than 120 years ago?), that we are unable to have the decency to simply say "yeah, that's a terrible thing"??

And while i'm at it, what exactly is a "true blue white aussie"?
If it's those ignorant redneck misogynist racist bogans doing donuts in some lame V6 POS while draped in the aussie flag while being cheered on by other "true blue aussies", then i'm truly looking forward to their loss of identity.

I'd rather pose the question of how many more years are we going to endure the Australian identity and flag being associated with those fuckwits?
And how long before Australians fully identify the primary nature of what's made us a great nation to be truly proud of are elements like a classless society of equal opportunity, where we look after each other as best we can, where we gain strength from our history and are not burdened by it's legacy, where corruption and improper use of power and wealth is to be condemned and not applauded, where you judge a person by their actions and not by their race, sex, colour or creed.

Having traveled to a fair few countries over the years, it's particularly annoying to see a fair chunk of our population apparently ignorant of what makes this country a great place to live, and those things that comparatively burden those others countries/societies. Corruption would be one of those things. Intolerance would be another.

(PS: apologies to danscraftbeer, that long rant wasn't directed at you ;), just your comment triggered the rant that had been brewing for a few days :D)
on to lighter things:

Those new Carlton Dry ads.

OMFG they are the lamest shittiest ads going at the moment. It's bad enough they're promoting such a crap product, but to do it in such a poor & stupid fashion while trying to present as cool and witty is a travesty.
Maybe we should be thankful and celebrate that Australia was colonised by the British, would be in a right state of affairs had it been either Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch or French. Imagine trying to learn one of those languages, at least the English language is easy.