Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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zorsoc_cosdog said:
Anyone who is interested, AEMO released their preliminary report on the SA Black Out.

It isn't over the top with technical info and is a fascinating read. The event timeline and system frequency plots tell the story.

I'll attach it later if people can't track it down.
Attached as promised.

Reading through section 3 is a buzz for me.

If people don't know South Australia then the following site is excellent. Use it like google maps and zoom in on SA. Then as you read through Table 3 you can see each of the circuits and imagine them falling to earth and tripping.

Have a look at Figure 4 as well. Frequency is king and you can see the resilience of the network collapse with each successive transmission line failure.

Section 4 explains the restoration phase.

View attachment AEMO SA PRELIMINARY REPORT at 900am 3 October.pdf
Hmm I wonder if my neighbor has a contact from this site,his 2 dogs arced up Friday arvo and he was on them very quickly telling them to shut up and being responsible ( for the first time in over a year). Although they have a lot to say earlier today when I dared walk down the back in my yard.
Cuts no ice with on numbnuts .
I WILL own you and your mutts, if the Zapper doesn't work ( next week hopefully) it's out with the cop this you .... bait chucker.
Bait chucker = what fishermen use to burly not " baiting".
Damn barking dogs. I own a Jack Russell and used to have a lab and at night they would occasionally have a barking fit (the Jack Russell trained up the lab). I'd be onto them straight away because having babies, the last thing I could ever want was dogs taking what little opportunity I had to sleep. If I want sleep, I'm sure my neighbours do too. I eventually got to the point where they'd be locked up or tied up.
In the sleepy mining town of Middlemount there was a dog opposite the road that was looked after by a pack of pricks that never should have owned an animal. It was a mongrel x mongrel similar in appearance to a ridgeback, but more wiry.
The dog, clearly aggravated by any other dog that was allowed walks or good ownership would carry on like it was being harassed. It would bark incessantly, running up and down the fence, until one day it took the 'leap' and worked out it could jump the fence. While I thought this was great because there's a chance it might make it to a mine and come off second best to a Cat 793, it would invariably be found because it would roam the streets stirring up every other dog in its wake. At night it would be chained up and I lost many a nights' sleep.

Step 1 - zap collar
The perimeter of the house was lined with flags indicating the line it couldn't approach. This worked for about 5 mins until it realised it could just bark from a bit further back from the fence. Still shat me off but kept the owners happy because it didn't run away. Then they got cocky and set up a perimeter along the front yard (no fence) and allowed the dog to roam front and back. While taking our dogs for a walk one day we went past the house and saw the dog there. It sat a metre or so back from the flags, shaking with anxiety, and after rocking back and forth about 3 times it ran at the flags leaping over the wire. "YELP!" it whimpered from the shock, but now it was free again to harass the **** out of my two dogs. We took them back home kicking the mongrel away, and it buggered off to piss off someone else.

Step 2 - Suddenly, the dog was chained to the clothesline on about 3m of lead. If you owned a dog, and the dog was barking a lot in an open backyard, do you think restraining the dog would stop the barking? Good guess.
At night it was the equivalent of a nuisance barking machine. Literally would bark hours on end in early AM and during the same period we had a newborn. This went on for days, where I wouldn't get any more than an hour's sleep. I'm not lying. It was exhausting. I would stick my head out the window and yell "OI! SHUT UP!!!!" which would make it quiet for about 30 secs then it'd start up again. I have no idea how the owners couldn't hear it nor how anyone else tolerated it.
Twice I went over there and couldn't catch the owners to tell them to control their dog. Next step, council complaint

No change.

A few more nights (11 total - I counted) and I was contemplating some 1080 over the fence. However because we'd already complained and I'm honest to a fault - but not beyond putting a miserable dog out of said misery - I was worried I'd be chased by the council and/or owners and could have a messy situation.

Additional complaint.

A day later the fools had some mesh in the backyard. They set up the mesh in the corner which would have made for a small 2x2m square next to a tree. That day, the dog ended up in the makeshift cage. From then on the owners started hearing it bark and were constantly telling it to shut up, but having no space to move and having zero training the thing wouldn't let up. A day or two later and it as gone. Where I don't know, but probably in a concrete slab. Or likely in a nearby bin judging by the owners.

Don't know what the moral of my story is but that's a decent rant I suppose. **** barking dogs and more importantly lazy owners.
In other news... Greyhounds look to be back on

Not that our glorious and supreme leader Kim Jong Baird would make a reversal based on the fact he is in heap of political trouble and trying to save his ass
Dog meat jerky is strong but surprisingly good with the right flavouring. Had the opportunity to taste test in the market of a little town in Hubei province China.
Ducatiboy stu said:
In other news... Greyhounds look to be back on

Not that our glorious and supreme leader Kim Jong Baird would make a reversal based on the fact he is in heap of political trouble and trying to save his ass
Yep. As I think I noted in my original tirade many threads ago, Baird couldn't give an actual **** about dogs.
Has he changed his mind to accommodate the facts or new evidence? Nope. It appears all his emotive ******** about animal cruelty and lofty ethical principles couldn't survive a collision with the thought of loosing all those regional votes. Typical politician, nothing to see here.
And what of the factually inaccurate add campaign of propaganda against the industry? Meh - **** it - its only a million or so bucks. Sure its better in the pockets of some advertising / production company than say, the childrens hospital or heart foundations coffers.
If they want to get rid of greyhound racing just do what the do in Queensland close each track one by one.

Until further notice Capalaba has ceased trading due to financial difficulties. Therefore there will be no trials this week, and possibly no racing!! Furthermore the club committee has resigned effective immediately, due to the outcome of flood claim, which RQ have denied the CGRC reimbursement of the claim
Bit like everything these days...if your particular interest has no viable economic value, prepare for any invested land/assets to be traded off to developers. Count yourself in that as well....we are individually/collectively adjudged an economic rating/value.
Whilst I'm not too happy with the change, I can sympathize with the trainers that did nothing wrong.
I just hope the government puts a lot more checks in place to stem the abuse, random property inspections for one would go a long way.
Also an anonymous tipoff line for the apparent syndicates who control the properties that were the main offenders, knock the problem straight on the head
madpierre06 said:
Bit like everything these days...if your particular interest has no viable economic value, prepare for any invested land/assets to be traded off to developers. Count yourself in that as well....we are individually/collectively adjudged an economic rating/value.
Absolutely true. When I was fundraising for charity healthcare in the States - where public health care is nearly impossible to access - I could nail any government grant if I could make an argument that paying to keep people healthy would save the gov more money than letting them suffer.
Mardoo said:
Absolutely true. When I was fundraising for charity healthcare in the States - where public health care is nearly impossible to access - I could nail any government grant if I could make an argument that paying to keep people healthy would save the gov more money than letting them suffer.
I've tried to pressure my health insurance company using the exact same logic, i.e, subsidize my purchase of some nice new gym equipment and supplements that I may remain strong and healthy and not burden you with expenses for treating chronic degenerative maladys. So far, totally unsuccessfully.

Any tips?
In my neck of the woods the Internet has lately been slower than a wet week...I guess it means the NBN must be getting close.
spog said:
In my neck of the woods the Internet has lately been slower than a wet week...I guess it means the NBN must be getting close.
If you get fixed wireless then it may not be as awesome as what you expect.....its like a fast steam train....its fast...then stops to get re fueled
Yeah this NBN doesn't seem to have a good wrap,I can't recall hearing much in its favour.
The piss poor internet service here at mine isn't helping with studying online let alone much else, when I was overseas a few years back I was blown away by the connection speed which truely made Aus look like a backwater.
spog said:
Yeah this NBN doesn't seem to have a good wrap,I can't recall hearing much in its favour.
The piss poor internet service here at mine isn't helping with studying online let alone much else, when I was overseas a few years back I was blown away by the connection speed which truely made Aus look like a backwater.
I can tell you some very good stories from my chair in Tech Support.......At least its only 1 day a they put up with it 5 days a week has me ******....fugging customers whinging that the porn streaming isnt working, or they cant skype their girlfriend in Manila because she wont answer, or how they could not access the stream for the Grand final ( when they where a day early,,,, )

Sometimes I want to answer the phone and go " Your an idiot...dont bother me with this **** ...Bye "
spog said:
In my neck of the woods the Internet has lately been slower than a wet week...I guess it means the NBN must be getting close.
Oh, the NBN is awesome!
Do you enjoy spam e mail? I know I do. And now ours has increased orders of magnitude (and in one instance a some sneaky ransom ware got through) its brilliant!
The best part however is now, when the the NBN goes out, we also loose all the phones, fax, eftpos and internet. Apparently when you **** up a piece of fiber optic with a mini excavator or shovel, its not as simple to repair as tying a knot in a bit of low voltage copper wire, wrapping it in a little hundred mile an hour tape and kicking it back into the trench. Not that I ever did that..

First world pissing and moaning I know, but **** it. Fact is I'm watching high def Netflix movies at home on the creaky old ADSL.

