Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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zorsoc_cosdog said:
It is isn't nannying to make corrections to the rules of society which will address ethical issues.
This is how civilisations improve. I can cite many examples but graciously ask the unsure to investigate.
Ah but 'correction' implies adjustment and education and/or negotiated replacement.

Banning without consensus implies dictatorial control.
The Baird government has shown contempt in this fashion on other issues.

Displacement of elected councillors with administrators due to forced mergers for example.

What was that old American revolution slogan? "No taxation without representation!!"

Rates are a form of taxation aren't they? Where are these citizens elected representation?

The government simply saying "cop it we know best" is not good enough.
good4whatAlesU said:
I'm against all things animal cruelty. The government must realise however that the introduction of a severe 'nanny state' will piss people off to the point of revolt and or push things underground.
Baird dont care
It's taken me 10 years to finally accidentally fill an I sanitized keg.
Cleaned 2 kegs thoroughly to fill with a CPA clone the next day. Came home and sanitized one and upended it to drain and got everything ready while enjoying a beer and some music and then grabbed the wrong keg and started filling her up.
I know it was super clean so it might be ok, but it's jumped the line and gone straight on tap and the plan is to give it a hiding this long weekend.
good4whatAlesU said:
Ah but 'correction' implies adjustment and education and/or negotiated replacement.

Banning without consensus implies dictatorial control.
Not explicitly. I dont think we needed a plebiscite to agree the Howard governments ban on assault style firearms was the right decision. Its common sense.
And I say that as a shooter who owned a owned one.
The gun laws were a matter of national security, it is slightly different from compliance issues within a recreational pass-time. Don't get me wrong, I personally agree from an animal welfare basis with at least a temporary ban but I think it could have been handled in a far better way.

This is what the famous Dr Richard Price wrote around the time of the American and French revolutions: Three points of civil liberty:

1. First, the right of liberty of conscience in religious matters.

2. Secondly, the right to resist power when abused. And

3. Thirdly, the right to choose our own governors, to cashier them for misconduct, and to frame a government for ourselves. "

These were written in the 1780's, but the principles hold true today. The current governments need not forget that it is the public who hire and fire them, and they reserve the right to resist power if it is abused. It's a civil liberty thing.
good4whatAlesU said:
Ah but 'correction' implies adjustment and education and/or negotiated replacement.

Banning without consensus implies dictatorial control.

I've always thought that leadership is used to bridge the gap between the failure of consensus on a topic, and a decision on that topic.

The ambition for consensus is ideological. So many things fight against the achievement of consensus:
* The intrinsic nature of individuality
* The strive for an individual to be unique - potentially causing disagreement to assert their presence within a forum
* The different existence of an individual to others and the commensurate difference in their needs

So what's the best beer? Let's get consensus on that. A cracking example is with the excellent Best Yorkshire Ale series just posted. Amazing range within the topic and the best is chosen - but is that consensus?

What about voting and consensus on our leaders... This is highly complex and matters dearly to our society. I thoroughly recommend this bloke for his explanation of different voting systems.

Dave is right in my view. Howard nailed that. I shoot as well and this is one example where leadership assessed the attempts for consensus and executed his decision.

It's tricky.

I think consensus should be regarded as a type of pre-feasibility phase of a project. Good to do, but you wouldn't build off it without reinforcing it with expertise, review and leadership.
good4whatAlesU said:
Displacement of elected councillors with administrators due to forced mergers for example.
Not necessarily a fan of Baird but I'd point out that down here in Vic, when councils have been sacked and administrators appointed, it's due to widespread corruption within council, plus maybe a general smattering of incompetence.

IMHO, Corruption is the number 1 issue our society should be concerned about & vigilant against. Especially within the political sphere.
Not sure if that's what's happened up there, but if so then better to have the administrators.
technobabble66 said:
Not necessarily a fan of Baird but I'd point out that down here in Vic, when councils have been sacked and administrators appointed, it's due to widespread corruption within council, plus maybe a general smattering of incompetence.

IMHO, Corruption is the number 1 issue our society should be concerned about & vigilant against. Especially within the political sphere.
Not sure if that's what's happened up there, but if so then better to have the administrators.
Point taken but temporary administrators sent in to alleviate a corrupt council are different kettle of fish from forced mergers.

People have a right to elected representation.
Fair points perhaps consensus was the wrong word to use.

I guess what I'm saying is that "Captains Calls" by government leaders (and ministers voting along party policy to toe the line) causing large civil unrest are to be avoided if there is a better way to arrive at the same outcome. More and more the population are being squeezed into compliance ridden society ... fishing licences, national park entrance fees, paid parking, expensive rego, high rates. . Soon we will all be micro-chipped and forced through a scanner every time we walk down the street.

Peoples civil liberties must be observed and upheld. We risk repeating some very nasty history if we forget that.
In some ways merging councils was a good thing.

Take here for Example...we had 5 different councils

Grafton City Council
Nymboida Shire Council
Pristine Waters Shire Council
MaClean Shire Council
Copmanhurst Shire Council

It was a ridiculous situation depending on where you lived in Grafton determined what shire you where in and each had different rules

I am glad they merged them all
Merging is fine, so long as the citizens agree with it and there is elected representation on the new council.

If the merging is forced (citizens do not agree with it) and there is no elected representation. . trouble.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Copmanhurst Shire Council
Copmanhurst is a real place? Well blow me down. I thought it was just a made up town in a Cold Chisel song.

"Merry go round"

Like any man I've got to work for a living
Just to earn my soul for a weekend show
Saturday morning I'll be down by the river
Getting whipped at the Copmanhurst rodeo

When the weekend comes I'm gonna set fire to the town
I've had a bellyful of workin' on the same old merry-go-round
Dave70 said:
Copmanhurst is a real place? Well blow me down. I thought it was just a made up town in a Cold Chisel song.

"Merry go round"

Like any man I've got to work for a living
Just to earn my soul for a weekend show
Saturday morning I'll be down by the river
Getting whipped at the Copmanhurst rodeo

When the weekend comes I'm gonna set fire to the town
I've had a bellyful of workin' on the same old merry-go-round
That pretty much describes Copmanhurst.

Has a nice little pub to


Did you also know that Cold Chisel - Flame trees was written about the Jacarandas in town here


Jailbreak was also written in G Town at the old basketball stadium
Due to storm damage here on the Eyre Peninsula of South Aus we had no power,phones or Internet for 48+ hours,some still have bugger all.
God help the next miserable needy piece of ***** who whines to me claiming it's the Guvnments fault or the power company's fault !
It's Nature you dumb slobs ! ,get a fuckn life.
Ooohhhh aaaahhhh my fridge won't work,I can't watch TV......ohh no my smart phone doesn't work,yeah well a smart phone will only work if it's in the hands of someone smarter than the sook holding it, **** off !
What no electricity ! ,well get off ya lazy pimply arse and go for a walk,weed the veggie patch,mow the lawn,that way when the power comes back on all your jobs are taken care of and you'll have even more time sitting on your arse,doing **** all and formulating your next whinge session.
Regardless of wether the next sook has tits or testicles it'll cop a spray from me,bunch of selfish negative needy greedy unappreciative slobs,no credit at all given to the crews busting their arses in **** weather to keep the sooks happy.
And all because an ugly nasty storm dared mess with the slobs perfect world.....*****.

....going to pour a Pirate Life now and enjoy my good fortune.
You want to hear a whine Spog? I can't buy Pirate Life for less than $26 a sixer!

But I hope all is well mate and a bit of normality is being restored. Hell of a front you blokes copped.
Arrhh Pirate Life,the missus came home from shopping with a mixed 6 of it for me = happy.
As for the weather still some more to come,though not as rough as it was, the Mount Lofty ranges out of Aedelaide are expecting up to 100 mm over the next 3 days ,which isn't going to help.
Quite a few of the high tension towers are looking likely to go arse up,the ground is so water logged they have lost the anchoring into the ground and are moving,which only adds to the reported 22 of varying sizes that have come down so far.
Mother Nature is the boss.