It's only ironic in the world of Alanis Morissette.wide eyed and legless said:Quite ironic that the caffeine is the plants defence against predators, we even make insecticides with it, and amazingly it is this defence which has contributed to the survival and spread of the tea and coffee plants beyond their survivalist dreams.
Thats got Hipster written all over itwide eyed and legless said:
To be fair though, considering there was a wait list of 16 years for those cars (smart parents ordered one with the birth of their child), why would have anyone wanted to destroy their car anyway (apart from it being **** of course)?Dave70 said:Your next door neighbor would most likely Stasi and dob you in to the commies for acting western and punching your car out. Probably wind up breaking rocks in the Gulag.
That reminds me (very fondly) of the car Homer once test drove at Crazy Vaclav's Place of Automobiles.Dave70 said:No worries with those decedent rust buckets here.
Duroplast. Its not just for toilet seats. Apparently the body shell of a Trabant can only be destroyed by bacterium or pulverizing it into aggregate for road base.
If you try and burn it it, the fumes will kill your whole village including livestock.
You are 100% correct.Florian said:apart from it being **** of
They are pretty light....which comes in handyDave70 said:You are 100% correct.
We did a 'Trabant tour' in Berlin years ago. Basically you're crunching and jerking your way around the city in a convoy of several these motoring abomination's whilst the 'guide' points out places of interest over a crappy CB radio.
Left hand drive, sloppy column shift, stinking 2 stroke engine (BRRRRRR BING BING BING!!) devoid of any torque, zero experience driving on the right hand side of the road.
First day in town after a long haul flight. About thirty hours without sleep by the time I slumped behind the wheel. Traffic, anxiety and having directions barked at me by a German man through crackling speakers was pretty much the last thing I needed that afternoon.
Lucky the hotel bar sold beer by the liter.