Continuing happiness

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My sympathies mate.
My brother's in the same position.

Costs so much money, takes so long to really settle in again.
-The youngest (~1.5 yrs) waking me up (finish work at 0100, asleep by ~0230) at 0500 with "Daaaaa-aadd" and standing at my side of the bed (the inflection during the a's as if I had done something sneakily but been caught red-handed, think 'you're terrible Muriel')

-Having the greatest nonsensical conversations with my three year old, and hearing "I'm happy dad, let's go jump on the trampoline".

-Eating things I've grown, drinking brews I've made, feeding people, finding songs serendipitously I remember from when I was growing up.

-Catching up with mates I haven't seen in a while and picking up as though it were yesterday.

-Seeing a great arse in public, I am agnostic if anything (raised Roman Catholic) but when I witness- I always silently thank the lord.
Today whilst brewing, big kid finally took an interest in what I was doing. It was halfway through the boil and he just came and took an interest. I was as happy as a pig in ****. Went on to explain what I was doing and involved him and it was great!

Anyway next time I suggested he should help the whole way through which he seemed keen for.......for now :)
Hahah maybe. He is 10 years old and at one point I did mention that one day he will be drinking all my beer and I won't be able to keep up and so he will have to help to which he replied with "Beer is disgusting, what makes you think I'll drink it when I'm older?"

"Because I also thought it was disgusting at 10. And now look at me! Now go and get me a beer please"
My youngest comes home from Uni and raids my supplies,sometimes there isn't any to be had because his older brother has beaten him to it.
"Ah **** Dad no beer" !
" yep got better things to do than supply you two piss pots"
" hey Dad got some money,I'll go get some"
And so it goes....
I went to a charity auction last night for a friend whose newborn was diagnosed with a serious disorder that won't see him past infancy. Upwards of 200 people would have shown up and the range of auction items was staggering (about 20 signed footy jumpers). I can't believe how much effort was put into the event, it was astounding. I'm your typical tightarse Scrooge so didn't have any intend on bidding for anything, but I walked past a pair of Corowa Woodware port/wine barrels, a 5 and 10 litre. You'll see them in Dan's and they're a well made item from American oak and I've wanted one for about 10 years. I slow down past them often and wonder, but never bring myself to buy one. $200 and $275 respectively, we only want one but I thought what the hell, good cause etc. and we've wanted one for eons. I discussed and said max we'll go is $400. In the back of my mind I could taste the aged RIS in the 10l barrel.
2 other bidders against us and I'd argue they didn't know what they were bidding on. $275 bickies, what a bargain. And $275 that went towards the man of moment for a better quality of life.

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Kegged my Altbier today, 30 litre squat kg. 2 X 10 litre Junior plus kegs and 12 or so litres to be bottled for a friend.
Also brewed a 70 litre batch of Helles, into the cleaned and sanitised 80 litre conical that was holding the Altbier.
Pitched the yeast for 50 litres of weizen, into two fermentors.
Gonna be some good drinking to come, this Spring and Summer.
We've been through the wringer lately with my wife's endo, so last night I said **** it and stayed out in the shed having some beers, smoking and doing brew side work 'til 1am. The daycare we run looked a bit grim to me first thing, but I said **** it. I'm happy today, and the kids in care are hilarious. Sometimes sanity is healthier than health.

That kind of thing was normal to me before we got married, but these days it's rare as rocking horse poo.
Everyone needs a session to reset and restore balance from time to time, scientific facts and statistics have proven it to be a vital component of the modern Homo Sapien dietary intake.
"They" should start including it on those healthy food pyramid things the government pins up all over the schools.
Mardoo said:
We've been through the wringer lately with my wife's endo, so last night I said **** it and stayed out in the shed having some beers, smoking and doing brew side work 'til 1am. The daycare we run looked a bit grim to me first thing, but I said **** it. I'm happy today, and the kids in care are hilarious. Sometimes sanity is healthier than health.

That kind of thing was normal to me before we got married, but these days it's rare as rocking horse poo.
Mental Health and wellbeing... It can lead an improvement in physiological health.

Every man needs a shed.
Got given a 15ltr keg the other day. Best bit is that it is half full of kriek.
Capped the week with a laugh.
My dear old Mum is in respite care,I visited her this arvo to tell her I'd pick her up and take her to her 2nd Great grand daughters first birthday tomorrow.
Wow she almost leapt out of her chair and then...
I was cornered by a resident of the care centre who wanted to know who I am,my relationship with Mum and what we were talking about.
After I explained to him the score he looked me up and down and said.
" listen mate this is my joint and it's not for sale"
I told him no one was going to sell it from under him so he had no worries there.
He looked me up and down and said
" Ya dodgey mongrel" and did a runner.
I had a hard time containing myself from not pissing my self laughing .

Look for something to lighten the burden,it works,it truely does.
Watching my 4yr old daughter playing dress ups with her friends, there's a Snow White, some sort of evil Queen and an Elsa/Frozen Princess. It's a pisser.
It's my birthday next week, so after a month or so of hectic work schedules I'm gifting myself a four day weekend.

Of course, I'll be brewing!!

On the cards: Janet's Brown, an ESB & a Ruthless Rye IPA clone, volumes yet unknown... I'm getting that pre-brewing glow already.
spog said:
Capped the week with a laugh.
My dear old Mum is in respite care,I visited her this arvo to tell her I'd pick her up and take her to her 2nd Great grand daughters first birthday tomorrow.
Wow she almost leapt out of her chair and then...
I was cornered by a resident of the care centre who wanted to know who I am,my relationship with Mum and what we were talking about.
After I explained to him the score he looked me up and down and said.
" listen mate this is my joint and it's not for sale"
I told him no one was going to sell it from under him so he had no worries there.
He looked me up and down and said
" Ya dodgey mongrel" and did a runner.
I had a hard time containing myself from not pissing my self laughing .

Look for something to lighten the burden,it works,it truely does.
Yep, you have to go with it. I remember my wife's (at the time) grandmother in a home. We would visit and one old bloke would always give me a hard time. "Who do you think you are? You think you can do whatever you want with my place?" etc. I'd say no, its all yours, do whatever you want with it. Then he'd say "Which way is outta here. I gotta go" After a few visits I realised it was better just to point and "say down there, turn right" instead of trying to reason. I always smiled thinking about those visits.