Fat Bastard - Les Sang des Innocents - Beetroot Saison
Appearance: deep ruby red, pinkish red around the highlights, pours with a bright pink head that receded to a pink ring around the glass.
Aroma: earthy, sweet beetroot, spicy saison yeast.
Taste: slightly sour saison flavour with beetroot earthiness, moderate low bitterness, spicy notes (from hops or yeast?) - emerging throughout the glass is a fruitiness that I think is bring driven by the yeast. There is a sweetness that I associate with beetroot - non fermentable sugars?
Mouthfeel: feels like a fuller bodied beer initially, but finishes dry. Lowish carbonation for style, though it may have lost some bubbles after bottling from the keg. 8% ABV and hides it well - no alcohol warmth or bite.
Overall: really interesting and enjoyable - the beetroot definitely complements the style well and makes for a visually arresting beer.