Chinese Hops? What Next

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I'm a bit shocked at how many people are even willing to purchase hops from China. Putting aside the idea concerning supporting your own countries ecomony and purchasing locally produced products, my biggest concern would be what China has sprayed on the hops as they grew them. China has been linked to the use of illegal/banned pesticides and cases of overuse of pesticides on produce. Its a free world and all and everyone can use what they want for there beer, but like I said I'm just surprised at how many are willing to jump on board.

"There are many cases of banned pesticides or carcinogens found in foods.
Greenpeace exposed in 2006 in China that 25% of surveyed supermarkets agricultural products contained banned pesticides. Over 70% of tomatoes that tested were found to have the banned pesticide Lindane, and almost 40% of the samples had a mix of three or more types of pesticides.Fruits were also tested in this investigation. Tangerines, strawberries and Kyofung grapes samples were found contaminated by banned pesticides, including the highly toxic Methamidophos. These fruits can also be found in Hong Kong market.[2] Greenpeace says there exists no comprehensive monitoring on fruit produce in the Hong Kong as of 2006.
In India, soft drinks were found contaminated with high levels of pesticides and insecticides, including lindane, DDT, malathion and chlorpyrifos.[3]
Even Quality Assurance International, a USDA certified organization, in July 2008 QAI had mistakenly certified as organic powdered ginger produced in China, which tests showed was contaminated with the banned pesticide Aldicarb. [4]
News of Formaldehyde, a carcinogen was found in Vietnamese national dish, Pho, broke in 2007 Vietnam food scare. Vegetables and fruits were also found to have banned pesticides. "Health agencies have known that Vietnamese soy sauce, the country's second most popular sauce after fish sauce, has been chock full of cancer agents since at least 2001," thundered the Thanh Nien daily. "Why didn't anyone tell us?"[5] The carcinogen in Asian sauces is 3-MCPD and its metabolite 1,3-DCP, which has been an ongoing problem before 2000 affecting multiple continents.
2005 Indonesia food scare, carcinogenic formaldehyde was added as a preservative to noodles, tofu, salted fish, and meatballs.
2008 Chinese milk scandal.
From the Bulk Buy Thread

I'm a bit shocked at how many people are even willing to purchase hops from China. Putting aside the idea concerning supporting your own countries ecomony and purchasing locally produced products, my biggest concern would be what China has sprayed on the hops as they grew them. China has been linked to the use of illegal/banned pesticides and cases of overuse of pesticides on produce. Its a free world and all and everyone can use what they want for there beer, but like I said I'm just surprised at how many are willing to jump on board.

"There are many cases of banned pesticides or carcinogens found in foods.
Greenpeace exposed in 2006 in China that 25% of surveyed supermarkets agricultural products contained banned pesticides. Over 70% of tomatoes that tested were found to have the banned pesticide Lindane, and almost 40% of the samples had a mix of three or more types of pesticides.Fruits were also tested in this investigation. Tangerines, strawberries and Kyofung grapes samples were found contaminated by banned pesticides, including the highly toxic Methamidophos. These fruits can also be found in Hong Kong market.[2] Greenpeace says there exists no comprehensive monitoring on fruit produce in the Hong Kong as of 2006.
In India, soft drinks were found contaminated with high levels of pesticides and insecticides, including lindane, DDT, malathion and chlorpyrifos.[3]
Even Quality Assurance International, a USDA certified organization, in July 2008 QAI had mistakenly certified as organic powdered ginger produced in China, which tests showed was contaminated with the banned pesticide Aldicarb. [4]
News of Formaldehyde, a carcinogen was found in Vietnamese national dish, Pho, broke in 2007 Vietnam food scare. Vegetables and fruits were also found to have banned pesticides. "Health agencies have known that Vietnamese soy sauce, the country's second most popular sauce after fish sauce, has been chock full of cancer agents since at least 2001," thundered the Thanh Nien daily. "Why didn't anyone tell us?"[5] The carcinogen in Asian sauces is 3-MCPD and its metabolite 1,3-DCP, which has been an ongoing problem before 2000 affecting multiple continents.
2005 Indonesia food scare, carcinogenic formaldehyde was added as a preservative to noodles, tofu, salted fish, and meatballs.
2008 Chinese milk scandal.
Lol I hope this hasn't all spawned from my troll in post 16. Was just stirring the pot and it looks like I turned around for a minute and its boiled over :D
I agree, BUT will quickly answer this, AND keep it very short

China has come a long LONG way since that report. Export hops actually go thru a Chinese Export Certification where they check the hops that they meet export standards and International standards. They are exported arround the world, and I would think that if other countries are letting them pass, they are as good as any other countries hops for purity.

Please keep this thread to the hop order

It all blew up mainly because that USA guy got offended.
People just love to find something and make it controversial. Over-the-top comedy in Australia is stone dead. The problem is, this wasn't over-the-top satire. It was, as you say, a repeat performance of an act performed years ago.

I saw a wonderful historical doco on American music not too long ago, and I was interested in the history. While I'm sure a lot of people see the black and cry racism, I wonder how many of them know how it was used? There's a complex history of black performers, white performers in blackface imitating black performers, then black performers in blackface imitating the white performers imitating the black performers. It's got it's fair share of self-parody already. It's responsible for most of the traditional African-American music around (not this gangsta hip-hop *****) and is strongly linked to the origins of the blues.

"Wikipedia" said:
It was through blackface performers, white and black, that the richness and exuberance of African-American music, humor, and dance first reached mainstream, white audiences in the U.S. and abroad. It was through blackface minstrelsy that African American performers first entered the mainstream of American show business. Black performers used blackface performance to satirize white behavior.
Yes, there was racism involved the entire way through - blacks weren't allowed to go to see the shows, only to perform. Many of the performers were still slaves. It's certainly not all sunshine and lollipops.

The question is - did the performers use blackface because;

1. they were trying to incite hatrid towards a social group?
2. they were trying to make light of the hardships of a social group?
3. they were trying to recreate the self-parody that the makeup was historically used for?

or the somewhat more likely option

4. they wanted to look black, they were parodying people who are black, they weren't considering the history or social implications of the makeup, and they underestimated the desire for over-reaction in the public thesedays?

How many people use the phrase 'I got gipped?' without considering the historical link to gypsies?

Pfft. PC bloody overkill.
One of the funniest things I ever saw was a bunch of really black aborigines on a concert night at a mission years ago.

They painted themselves WHITE and acted out like the boy bands of the 90's. It was funny as hell, and NO_ONE even raised an eyebrow if it was inappropriate to do so

Totally ridiculous and inaccurate skit, five doctors and none of them noticed their front man was supposed to be white!!!!

STOP IT !!!!!!! I cant keep falling to the floor laughing about this. You'll cause me an injury
Was the Hey Hey skit funny?
Lol I hope this hasn't all spawned from my troll in post 16. Was just stirring the pot and it looks like I turned around for a minute and its boiled over :D

Your post on #16 is right on the money!

Take the current Amarillo bulk buy thread:
You don't see any anti-american banta expressed there do you?
You don't see any "this bulk buy will kill aussie LHBS banta on that thread either.

Yet when theres a bulk buy from China.......its god forbid.

I refer once again to your post #16
It was just a bit of fun, anyhow who said Michael Jackson was black :eek:

What I find really offensive is people who use kits & call themselves brewers, if we really want to fire up over something that's relevant then surely that's something worth fighting for!


Paul. :angry:
It was just a bit of fun, anyhow who said Michael Jackson was black :eek:

What was the joke the Cellarman told on the radio program

"Its only a rumour that Michael Jackson died, no-one has seen the body. The truth is he used so much bleach on his skin he just FADED away"

Yes terrible joke

"Its only a rumour that Michael Jackson died, no-one has seen the body. The truth is he used so much bleach on his skin he FADED away"

Yes terrible joke

And neither racist nor racial so clearly OT.

Out of where? The woodpile I suppose?!
that was actualy a really funny reply Townsville!
