g'day this has probably been done to death...
I am very green at this brewing thing .
Am having a ball doing it though...reading all the beer and brewer magazines cover to cover .
Buying single stubbies of different beers at the bottlo to get the gist of what beers taste like.
Found out last night I quite like pilsener.
I have read this one http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum//ind...showtopic=10667
and it is great....but
I am not really in a huge rush to gas up the beer and would like to get as close to perfect as possible.
I was also given some advice here http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum//ind...showtopic=43804
just want to know what the general consensus is for gassing up 19 ltr post mix kegs.
I was told to do it at about 220 - 240 for 48 hours.
this is not really the forced method described in that first link.
The other method ( second link ) of set and forget at pouring pressure for a week didn't actually work for me when I tried it. It was still as flat as . Maybe I did it wrong.
To be honest I don't want to stuff it up ...so any info would be greatly appreciated.
I have about 5 mtrs of gas line with a splitter to 2 kegs
this is my setup
I am very green at this brewing thing .
Am having a ball doing it though...reading all the beer and brewer magazines cover to cover .
Buying single stubbies of different beers at the bottlo to get the gist of what beers taste like.
Found out last night I quite like pilsener.
I have read this one http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum//ind...showtopic=10667
and it is great....but
I am not really in a huge rush to gas up the beer and would like to get as close to perfect as possible.
I was also given some advice here http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum//ind...showtopic=43804
just want to know what the general consensus is for gassing up 19 ltr post mix kegs.
I was told to do it at about 220 - 240 for 48 hours.
this is not really the forced method described in that first link.
The other method ( second link ) of set and forget at pouring pressure for a week didn't actually work for me when I tried it. It was still as flat as . Maybe I did it wrong.
To be honest I don't want to stuff it up ...so any info would be greatly appreciated.
I have about 5 mtrs of gas line with a splitter to 2 kegs
this is my setup