Caraaroma = 70ebc? Boags Copy Beer

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Bentleigh Brau Haus
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Ferntree Gully - Melbourne
Guys i am about to brew the "Boags" prem lager copy on craftbrewers

Its call's for
4.75Kg of Lager Malt (franklin 2-row)
0.15Kg Wheat Malt
0.05Kg Crystal (light 70 EBC)

I am planing to use my Joe White Pils
aust. Wheat
Cara aroma as its listed as 70 EBC

will this be ok????

does the pils work as a sub for the Lager Malt????

Hops are
14g POR 60min
40g Hersbrucker
25g Hersbrucker
25g dry hop Hersbtucker

I plan tyo use Hallertau i gather this is also ok???
i thought they were the same / similar
Ok he has used the crystal to account for colour. His Lager malt does not give him the required 6.7 EBC, so he used the crystal.

I am using the Pilsner malt and it must be darker (3 EBC) so i am only adding 10g of cara Aroma, this gives me the same colour.

I also found the correct hops so i wel brew as per the recipe

Like to know the difference between the halertau(5.5%) and hersbrucker(2.2%).
Hi Ben,

Caraaroma is not 70 EBC, but 350EBC. Definitly not the right malt for your Boags clone. The Joe White caramalt is correct or you could use a German Caramel Hell (light).

Caraaroma is a substitute for Belgian Special B.

sorry i ment CaraAmber doh!

I have left it out anyhow as it looks like the pils malt is darker than his lager and on promash i am getting the colour without it
a big welcome to the site wes.
good to see the maltcraft guys having an imput into this site.

big d
Wyeast Danish lager is apparently the go for both Cascade and Boag's Prem. Both use an amount of cane sugar but I wouldn't probably do this myself (as per craftbrewer). Hope it goes well.

I can tell you though that they actually use Joe White Pale Ale malt for the premium and apparently nothing else. Boag's Draught is JW Pale Ale plus some JW Crystal, and Boag's Strong Arm is JW Pale Ale plus JW Crystal plus Roast Barley. Can't remember the exact ratio's, however I do remember that they all had a substantial cane sugar addition. If my memory serves me right they were using 4 tonnes of malt plus 600kg of sugar, about 10% or so.

I did a tour of the brewery and quizzed them as well as keeping my eyes peeled. I also know someone that works at the Cascade brewery. Hope it helps.

Cheers, JD
WOW thanks JD,

I used JW pils malt and a tad of wheat for head. I used all malt as i dont care for sugar. I want it to taste similar but if its more flavour then even better because i find the prem beers a bit thin.

It went into the freezer last night, in the morning it had dropped to 14 deg (yeast hadn't yet fired only 6hrs latter) Then tonight its at 10.0deg, freezer is at 9.9 deg and the yeast has started, looks like i hit my temps (fermentation wise) perfect first time.... SWEET

cant wait to taste it in 6 weeks or so after some long lagering
Just on that does anyone know the Potential grav for the pils and ale malts in the JW grains? I want to set it up on promash. Also the colour for Ale??

Here is Maltcrafts details for the Joe White Malts.
Go into your Grain DB in Promash and setup a new grain using the info on the page.


The Joe White Traditional Ale malt specs are not yet on the website. Here is the relavent data:
Moisture 4.0%
Extract 81.8% (316 )
Colour 6.7 EBC
Diastatic Power (WK) 320
Total Protein 10.5%
Kolbach index (modification) 46.3

Doc has asked for an updated DB for Promash and will get this to him later today.
