Can someone please recommend me a beer?

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pacific ale. I defy anyone to not like this beer. Stupidly drinkable but only standard strength.
I think the problem with the ciders you've been drinking is they're all the mass marketed cordial kind
Try a good proper British cider or a scrumpy, most of the Weston's ciders are pretty decent
Instead of spending money taking a punt at whatever label grabs your attention in Dans, how about you spend some time researching beer style and descriptions one night that are more in line with what you are after, it won't be very hard.

So far you've had ales and lagers and mostly 'megaswill' which in some shape or form will always have what you are deeming a "funky" taste.

Also super cold = no taste, because the cold temperature masks a lot of the flavours. So perhaps if you better inform yourself on such things it will help you decide truly what is the style you like.

Pilsners are generally bitter, so I'd suggest steering clear of those, perhaps if you go to the start of this post and do the researching thing I suggested it will help.

Sorry if I come across as blunt.
Speaking of chilled, i just had a beer that blew my mind.

Left it in the freezer for too long.

It was still liquid in the bottle.

As i poured it into my glass, it turned to ice. Now i have a beer that has a tiny bit of liquid and a hude head of ice.

Its like a beer slushy.

Quite tasty.

Will try more ciders as suggested and will do more research on style.

acarey said:
pacific ale. I defy anyone to not like this beer. Stupidly drinkable but only standard strength.
OP wants a non hoppy beer.

I don't like it much by the way. Consider me defied.
manticle said:
OP wants a non hoppy beer.

I don't like it much by the way. Consider me defied.
Yeah I know, I just think this one is different to the hoppieness/bitterness that the OP might be objecting to. To me its a very crisp, clean tasting beer that lots of my 'non beery' friends enjoy.

Re: you not liking it, that's fine. You are just wrong :p. Kidding obviously.
acarey said:
Re: you not liking it, that's fine. You are just wrong :p. Kidding obviously.
I don't think it's a bad beer by any stretch- just too much galaxy and not enough malt for my palate.

I am often wrong though.
Hey, you could try Grand Ridge Breweries Moonshine - a Dark Scotch ale. 8.5 per cent alcohol, a wonderful maltiness and sweetness; it is low-hopped but I suspect the dark malts provide a lot of the bitterness. I've had it twice and loved it. Check out their list of beers; you might also like the Hatlifter Stout or the Supershine.
I can relate to this because I went off beer for some time and drank spirits, eventually decided after 5 or so years they were just too easy to drink so I went back to beer and found my taste buds had changed a lot.

As a youngster I just drank XXXX all night, but after being a spirits drinker that totally changed and I started to drink many different beers in a session - plus I wasn't such a 'gulper'. These days I generally drink Pale Ale, then IPA, then Stout (more and more flavor). You can nurse your taste buds along through the session as each beer isn't doing the business.

Try some some beers like Coopers Dark Ale, Newcastle Brown Ale, even a Guinness - you might find a beer that you're happy to switch to after a few beers quench the thirst.
manticle said:
just too much galaxy and not enough malt for my palate.
Yeah, different strokes for different folks. I use it as a session beer I find its dryness and 'not much maltiness' really nice in that situation.

Its stops me from having sessions on my 9% IIPA and cracking my head on the bathroom floor again :ph34r:
Ok now this could be entirely co-inicidental and not the same OP but a quick google search on the OP's username reveals the following activity at other forums over the few years:

Bicycle Network Australia: - Plans to ride around Australia on a bicycle, thread is basically a windup, final comment from site admin before he's banned and thread is locked is: For the record, the user stonedpirate was warned already for personal attacks which breach the forum guidelines.The posters last post (before being banned) will remain - though if you feel it has no place here - pm me and it will be removed. Sorry, but a lot of members got sucked into trying to provide genuine feedback and help for this poor soul who was just taking us for a ride. - Asks for critique of cycling performance diet that involves 20 hours fasting - gets various levels of disbelief type comments.

Woodwork forums - presumably the boat building part: - asks for advice on building an ocean going ten foot boat when he has no experience with boat building, final comment from site admin is:

Stoned Pirate,
You have asked questions of experienced builders and sailors.
Having received that advice, freely, you seem to place little value on it.

Your initial post provided very little information about the information that you actually sought. Instead, you seemed to assume others have knowledge of your endeavors from other web forums to this one. Nowhere did you mention an attempt to circumnavigate or a need to break a record until much later in the thread, after a number of posts by yourself and others.

It is clear the lack of success with a suitable response is the result of a failure to provide adequate initial information by yourself. Your attitude indicates a personality ideally suited for solo navigation, well in advance of your knowledge and skills preparation.

Consequently, It is our feeling that you should desist.....plainly put...STOP, and whenever or indeed, if, you mature enough to understand the advice offered to you, that you have enough sense to take it.
Until then, please cease your pollution of a very benign, and knowledgeable forum

Noel Watson

Now as I said before this may be a completely differnent OP and if so my apologies for making the connection but personally I don't think I'll be suggesting anything more.
Hi Pirate. Assuming you are not baiting the forum, the beers you've tried are pretty bland. Takes a while to appreciate different beers and indeed beer in general, you just cant love it from your first one. I'd work your way through the James Squire beers to find the style you like (as suggested by other). If you seek to get hammered you could punish a carton of Coopers Sparkling Ale, that can do a nice job.

As for a staple quick brew, I use to do a lot of Coopers Canadian blonde to fill the masses. (tweak as you desire)

I know about rum crazy and rarely go past two spirits. Beer is good, because God wants us to be happy.


Aw, can we keep him? Trolls can be fun as long as things don't get out of hand.
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