Can someone please recommend me a beer?

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I don't want to chime in on the drinking thing, but to answer the beer choice question I would really recommend you go your local bottlo and pick and mix 10-20 different beers and see which ones you prefer.

If you don't really like hops / beer tasting beers, I don't like your chances of finding many 7-9% beers that you will enjoy. They tend to be more bitter, hoppy to balance with the higher abv and maltiness.
stonedpirate said:
Thanks all.

Yeah, admittedly I am borderline alcoholic with none of the negative side effects. Finances are fine, relationships are fine, health is reasonable, could lose a feew kilos but then, who couldnt?

What can i say, i like to drink :p

10 beers a day is cutting back :p

Rum and Whiskey just dont agree with me anymore but 10 beers puts me into a deep restful sleep with zero hangover plus get the health benefits of vitamins and **** :p

I'm going to buy a coopers DIY kit today and see what thats like. People have suggested i will like the taste because its a nice clean lager that i'm after then i'll try figure out a way to increase alcohol content without adding spirits.

Mate if you don't like beer because it tastes like hops, then a coopers kit isn't going to solve it for you. If you really want to stick to beer, try making an extract brew with unhopped liquid malt in the style of a bock or some such, which is more malt driven, high in alcohol, and has just enough bittering hops to balance out the sweetness of the malt. A recipe for a pale bock, using swiss lager yeast might do the trick.

Alternatively, have you considered making cider? Quite a few cider recipes on here which look the goods and are a lot cheaper than most commercial beer or cider.

Good luck!

Cheers - Snow.
If you just want to brew something cheap and high alcohol so you you can get drunk but you don't really like the taste.....I think you would be better off seeking medical help.

Good luck with it all.


P.S. :drinks: :party: This thread smells a little of troll to me. :chug: :icon_drunk:
Batz said:
P.S. :drinks: :party: This thread smells a little of troll to me. :chug: :icon_drunk:
I did wonder if I heard the clip clop of goats going over a bridge....
Another option is to just move across the ditch and enjoy the likes of Berthold Keller Super strength (a clean 9% lager)for not much more than $3 per half litre can. They have a few different ones at your local countdown supermarket over there, similar to Tuborg elephant beer in Europe or Chang in Thailand etc.
I normally wouldn't recommend it, but perhaps you should try Toohey's Extra Dry?

Pretty much tastes like fizzy water with mild beer flavour.

Alternatively, I would suggest going to Dan's and just going to the single beer fridge and picking up 10-20 single beers. One of everything.

Take notes on what you like and dislike with each beer, and then report back :)
stonedpirate said:
... admittedly I am borderline alcoholic with none of the negative side effects. Fina.....

...Rum and Whiskey just dont agree with me anymore but 10 beers pu.....

So, im at a loss....
What made you think that Rum does not agree with you? Obviously that must be a negative side effect?

Go seek help. And not on
Scooby Tha Newbie said:
Yep noob alert.
The mods should step in. This isn't helping the site or the op.
Well if the op. reads it and understands it just may help him.

If your having a go about me being a Mod. I'm no longer a Mod. I have no access to areas Mods do and do not choose to ATM. One day I may that may change, I don't know.

If I have some how offended you I apologize.

If any one should apologize its me.
Sorry Batz
I feel this thread is a troll.
stonedpirate said:
Thanks all

I know, not really a good set of requirements on what could be considered a "beer snob" site (no offence)
That I feel isn't fair to the people in this site.
I would suggest going to Dan's and just going to the single beer fridge and picking up 10-20 single beers. One of everything.
Thats good advice, i will do that next time. Just got back from Dans with a carton of Coopers Pilsner 62. I think I might have picked a dud going by beer advocate reviews. Will see for myself when they get cold. Went looking for Oettinger Pils Cans 500mL or Pilsner Urquell as per suggestions on this site but they didnt have either so i chose the coopers 62 because it looked fancy in premium looking bottles.

I noticed that pretty much every beer has close to 5 stars on the dan murphy site and most beers rank poorly on beer advocate so i guess i just have to make up my own mind.

I'm no troll, just thought it would be easier asking the experts to help me narrow down a beer before spending thousands trying heaps i dont like.

Bought some random Jap beer called Sapporo to start me off and see how it goes.

I considered cider but the word cider reminds me of old nannas for some reason and only girls drink it even though it is quite tasty like gummy bear juice.

That I feel isn't fair to the people in this site.
Fair enough, my apologies. I would only apply it to people here that can taste the whiff of a salty summers breeze rounding out to an austrian medow in beer. :p
Ok, maybepilsner 62 is not a dud after reading more reviews. The foreigners claim its typically weak watery aussie beer and the locals thinks its cold crisp and goes down smooth. I have a feeling that my style of beer would rank low on the beer snob scale so it might be a winner afterall.
Yeah, i guess thats the only way :)

Dan Murphy rates just about everything 5 stars because i figure that only customers who buy the products regularly review the products so if their spending money on it they obviously like it.

Beer Advocate and other foreign beer review sites rate all australian beer as duds.
Commercially, try and find Warka Strong and Budvar super strong.

No-one on a brewing site should be judging people on the amount they drink. if it's a troll - so be it. Troll wins an award for making someone on the internet answer their question.

Stonedpirate - many people drink and have drunk cider throughout history. Some of them are women, some aren't. if you like the taste, you can make it very easily and make a strong version very easily.
Thanks Manticle.

Well, after more beer experimentation i think i am closing in on my staple.

Firstly, after 8 coopers pilsner 62s, verdict, hate them. Flat, no head and has a funky background taste.

Warka Strong and Budvar super strong
I will try and seek those out.

I will continue to try new beers but after tonight, a mate gave me an ice cold emu export and it has changed my mind. Its watery, almost tastless and cold with reasonable alcohol if i drink them quickly. Break up the night with one tasty cider. I would go full cider but they are just too sweet and after several and they give me acid reflux so i will use them as a dessert and as an intermission. I find that i like all ciders, from full apple through to girly pink strawberry and mixed berries. They are just an alcoholic fruit cordial with bubbles so i doubt anyone would dislike them exept for maybe hitler or young men on a macho trip.

So for now, the staple is emu export and one or two ciders of any type.

If i find an emu export with 3 or more % higher alcohol i'm set.

Then if i can find a way to brew it on my own for cheaper than commericial over the long haul, even better.

Cheers all
Ok, the saga continues.

A guy on another forum called me a retard for pouring pilsners at 4 degrees celcius straight out of the fridge.

In the name of honesty and fairness, i kept one out of the frige and warmed it up to around 14c.

Nice head now, more fizz but the same weird back flavour and now warmer and more funky.

+10 points for more fizz but -50 for intensified funkiness and warmness on a hot aussie night.

Pilsner just aint for me.

Pale ale, same boat.

Its got to be lager, got to be cold and watery.

The foreigners might knock us for our watery tastless beer but they have never lived in the desert before and probably never did a hard days work in their life either.

FDifferent strokes for different folks i guess.

If emu export is coons piss then i'm just a coon piss drinker f it.
I think you're getting into brewing for the wrong reasons but best of luck to you in your endeavours.

try the kolsch I mentioned earlier
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