Thanks Guys,
and if I didn't get around to telling you individually - let me share it here.
Along the way many people thanked me for my help or encouragement or whatever.
The truth is that I owe many thanks to many people. I have had the opportunity to learn from many people in a job that combined my passion for beer, and also gave me the opportunity to talk about beer and help others make better beer.
Booo Yeaaaahhh!
In particular let me say thanks to Mark for the opportunity to work and learn from him.
And also thanks to the many customers who I have both learnt form and becomes friends with.
(yeah I know the previous sentence ends with a prepositon and am familar with the Churchill anecdote, but I've been drinking)
(sorry Offline, I have posted while drinking against all better advice, but it's not a patch on Pat of pistolpatch fame)
And a special mention must go the bottle of beer, or more specifically the label on the bottle of beer that Schmick gave me as a farewell prezzie (in no way am I being dismissive of any other gifts, but clearly Schmick put time in, above and beyond the call of duty). Unbelievable. But much appreciated, nevertheless (as was Louise's patience during the afternoon).