Brew Masters - Sam Caglione's New Discovery Channel Brewing Realit

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Check your usual sites for the new Sam Caglione reality brewing TV show called "Brew Masters" which aired last night in the USA.

I've already got my copy & will be watching the first episode later tonight entitled "Bitches Brew".

It was interesting, I hadn't heard good things about it but I was pleasantly surprised.

Though I dislike how they blow every situation out of proportion, you get a run down of every possible thing that can go wrong, "we only have X amount of time to do this or Y will happen and then the world will end" kind of thing that discovery does in it's shows (howe&howe tech, american chopper), but then 5 minutes later everything works out fine and it turns out it wasn't a problem at all. But that's just me.
Arghhh, I really wanted to like this, but the scripted "drama", and the text overlays on the screen made my eyes and ears bleed (well, figuratively, derp).

A shame, it could have been an interesting documentary on one of the pioneers of the US craftbrew renaissance, but instead it's an exercise in marketing over substance, targeted at the ritalin generation.
I might give it a miss. It's a pity that Discovery, one of the true pioneers of pay TV channels has sunk to its current depths, not even transmitted in proper widescreen (stretched out lo-def postage stamp format if that makes sense) and after every ad break (for ab-circle pros and funeral plans) they have to reiterate everything that happened before the break for the benefit of people with a 30 second short term memory.
had a watch ofthis last nite and thought it wasnt to bad considering. the one thing that blew me away was the size of dfh's operation.
I watched this and found it entertaining in the sense of a tv show but definetly found it scripted to buggery and all to convenient. Definetly a marketing show aimed at highlighting microbreweries to the dumb masses. Nothing technical about it nor overly informative into the actual brewing. And who treats a keg of beer by just throwing it into a rusty pick up on the way to a fine craftbeer show.
Watched it tonight & loved it!

Damn, I wanna go to Delaware & get tanked at the dogfish restaurant & then go climb up the treehouse out front of the brewery!
Tbs Ep also made
Me go open an Imperial Stout :)
I wanted to like it as I really like Sam's attitude and the way he markets his business, but seriously how does it differ frim American Chopper? I know they need material to write about but I reallythought they may have gone in a different direction.
I wanted to like it as I really like Sam's attitude and the way he markets his business, but seriously how does it differ frim American Chopper? I know they need material to write about but I reallythought they may have gone in a different direction.

I agree that it seems to have a simmilar format to American Chopper. I don't think there would have been much of an option. I think the general public isn't going to tune in every week to hear someone drone on for an hour about hop utilization and mash ph.

Its a proven format so I imagine thats why they went with it.
Damn, I wanna go to Delaware & get tanked at the dogfish restaurant & then go climb up the treehouse out front of the brewery!

If any AHBers end up in Delaware, make some noise, a few of us here have some contacts at DFH and Evolution brewing.

Get the personal after hours tour and maybe meet Sam.

Great bunch of guys. I spent a few days out there last year. Stayed with a couple of the brewers who live across the road from the brewery at the start of my motorcycle trip across the USA.

Got given a heap of beers, as many as I could carry in the saddle bags. Highlight was definitely the vertical of Word Wide Stout. Had 2005, 2007 and 2009 vintages. Killer.

As for the show, yeah I didn't think it that great. Not very real, fake drama, and that recap after every break really sucks.
Heads up, the second ep has now been aired and can be watched from the dark depths of the internet ;)
I've downloaded it, but havn't watched it yet. The Walking Dead was also avaliable last night and it won the viewing rights!
Haha had the same dilemma and walking dead also won in my case.
I enjoyed episode 2 much more than episode 1, something different in terms of the plot line.
This one was a lot better, I like how a brewery that large still finds a use for the old corona mill :p
Looks like it is a good place to live if you are a beer loving American the brew pub is well frequented.
New one released just then.
