Brew Masters - Sam Caglione's New Discovery Channel Brewing Realit

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Flame suit on...

How does one play the downloaded episodes, it would appear that Windows Media player doesn't want to play.


Flame suit on...

How does one play the downloaded episodes, it would appear that Windows Media player doesn't want to play.



What file format did you download it in? if its the torrent file then you need a torrent program to DL it
or download cccp (combined community codec pack) it will let WMP play anything from AVI to mkv but VLC does the job as well just depends if you want to use a whole new player or just a codec pack used threw WMP
Some of the files are in compressed RAR format need something like the latest WinZip or 7-Zip to decompress them first.

Just found S01e03 pumpkin and portamarillo in rar format.
Sorry is everyone simply downloading this via the torrent or is it currntly on Austar/ Discovery in Australia?

I've been watching it streamed from whatever website pops up on google, a lot of the websites are dodgy, but there's enough legit ones to choose from.
Ahem, my apologies at missing the *very well titled clearly signposted thread* here. Let me just ease it back to the top. Carry on. :ph34r:
Keep your eyes peeled for Paul Mercurio, Brad Rogers (Stone & Wood) and Richard Watkins (Canberra's Wig & Pen) all in the newest episode
Definetly a marketing show aimed at highlighting microbreweries to the dumb masses.

I wish someone would do that here.

I will check it out for sure.

I am working on it and have a couple of production companies interested is tight and the networks dont see a show about beer being a mainstream program and therefore it wont get a look in on free to air. Pay TV is more open to it but have less audinece and therefore are also very careful re budgets - often want to cut corners etc whioch I do not want to do.

SBS is interested but needs an ethnic angle - I am a born again wog so hoping that may get it over the line.

I try to get the micros on my show as much as I can and am hoping to do a whole series on all things beer. " Mercs does Micros" If we had a national brewers association then we could make a united front on not only excise but also in gettting funding for a national TV beer series.
Nice cameo by you Merc in Episode 3 from Beervana doing the judging :p
Kirrily also gets a PTC

I am working on it and have a couple of production companies interested is tight and the networks dont see a show about beer being a mainstream program and therefore it wont get a look in on free to air. Pay TV is more open to it but have less audinece and therefore are also very careful re budgets - often want to cut corners etc whioch I do not want to do.

SBS is interested but needs an ethnic angle - I am a born again wog so hoping that may get it over the line.

I try to get the micros on my show as much as I can and am hoping to do a whole series on all things beer. " Mercs does Micros" If we had a national brewers association then we could make a united front on not only excise but also in gettting funding for a national TV beer series.

Yeah it's a shame we don't have the large enough population to justify the " specialty shows ". At least the homebrew community will watch !
Yeah it's a shame we don't have the large enough population to justify the " specialty shows ". At least the homebrew community will watch !

If each of the members here would have influenced at least 10 beer drinkers to think about and appreciate the beers they drink. Therefore, on first contact there is a potential audience of 200,000. Good work guys and gals!! :D

Therefore, second, third, fourth... generations could provide a large enough audience to support a show.

We watched a fat mate of an aussie cricketer meander about Englanad, India and the West indies, :huh: so surely a beer show could have an audience.

Just my 2c worth.

Cheers Ken
watched the first episode last night.. didn't mind it, was kept entertained. But i do concur with the repeatable format... found it a little funny that the owner was driving round in a beat-up truck... that part at least was a little bit staged for me
I watched the first two episodes and I've downloaded the third. It seems OK, not great. I don't know if it is something I would watch again.

Oz and James Drink to Britain is better IMO.
watched the first episode last night.. didn't mind it, was kept entertained. But i do concur with the repeatable format... found it a little funny that the owner was driving round in a beat-up truck... that part at least was a little bit staged for me

As far as I know, that's the vehicle he drives. I don't think it was staged.

On the weekend I downloaded "Beer Wars" (try the usual torrent sites). Not a great documentary - made by a woman who claims to be a mover in the beer industry, but doesn't drink beer???

The stat I was interested in was that Dog Fish Head only has 0.0001% share of the US beer market!! Amazing when you see the size of those fermenters...

And a tip for fellow torrent downloaders....

I have been trying to figure out an easy way to remotely tell my PC at home to download something while I am at work.

First, set up DropBox (free) on both your PC at home and at work. Create a folder called something like "torrents".
Install utorrent on your home PC (if not already), and edit your Preferences to monitor a folder for new .torrent files to download, point it to your "torrents" folder.
Now, just save a .torrent file to this folder while you are at work (or wherever). uTorrent will pick it up and start downloading. Easy!

I have been trying to figure out an easy way to remotely tell my PC at home to download something while I am at work.

First, set up DropBox (free) on both your PC at home and at work. Create a folder called something like "torrents".
Install utorrent on your home PC (if not already), and edit your Preferences to monitor a folder for new .torrent files to download, point it to your "torrents" folder.
Now, just save a .torrent file to this folder while you are at work (or wherever). uTorrent will pick it up and start downloading. Easy!


Could you not just use LogMeIn to control the home computer and use it to send the torrents to utorrent.


Could you not just use LogMeIn to control the home computer and use it to send the torrents to utorrent.

You could, if you wanted to take longer to do the same thing ;-)

This way it's a simple right click and "save link as..."