Nah still crazy!
(you know that's a joke right?) Remember that HBT is still a forum of people with opinions just as we are a forum of people with opinions, none are immediately considered right but that being said, from my observation, nowhere in that 31-page HBT thread does it mention leakage current of the SSR's. The SSR is to combine with an 'override' button that disconnects both active and neutral. It's perfectly acceptable to only turn one off (see my attached image from the same thread) thus the relay is not necessary.
Yes, it's true that an SSR, while off will allow close to 1/1000 of the current pass through, which means a couple of milliamps from Active to Neutral. Protecting yourself from this seems pointless in the event that you have an RCD because the user will never, ever, ever be exposed to the few milliamps. If they were exposed then they would have worse problems such as when the SSR is on and the full current is flowing!
Now you could have an override (switch or contactor in your case) because it does add an additional layer of safety. Do you see one in the original BM? No. Do you see it in 90% of SSR applications? No. Should you use it if you have hard-wired your panel (no IEC lead)? Probably... Am I going to do it? No. My manual override is the power cord, which is just as good if not better than an override switch.