Mini BrewMaster or BrewMaster Mini sound good.So i have noticed the the start up screen had a typo and i thought that ill change it, at the moment I'm thinking of
Mini BrewMaster
but i thought i might put it out there and see if anyone can come up with something else, it has to be 16 characters long or less including spaces.
cheers matho
Braumiser gets my vote. Elegant use of the words, good pisstake and sums up the intent and nature.
Nice one. For my next project maybe I'll make a Braumiser cloneh34r:
tim in all seriousness i want people to clone it I would be very happy if someone builds another one
as i said before ill post all the info of the build when it is fully tested, ill be trying too do a step by step
Edit: How much for the electronics?