Anyone having problems with the mash pH predictor? Ive been using brewers friend in the past to guess my pH as i haven't got a meter.
I've read and tested that you need to have the water additions built into a water profile for the mash predictor to take them into consideration. Adding them directly into the recipe doesn't change anything unfortunately.
For a particular test recipe (5kg JW pils) using my clarence water profile, I've found that brewers friend estimates a mash pH of 5.42, while BS estimates 5.56. the required acid malt (from what I gather this is 3% lactic by weight for BF) to get to 5.2 is 110g using brewers friend, while beersmith estimates i need 280g.
I'm interested to know if others are noticing a difference between the two estimates, if not it may be more down to an input error on my part.