Beer Swilling Mate

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hello all
do you have a mate like mine...if so need some help to tell him to bring his own next time....
have mate who once a month works up our way and comes to stay on the sunday night....each time he comes he puts a huge dent in my beer supplies, which at first i didnt worry about as i thought "great someones likes my HB" but now is starting to piss me off as this month due to lack of brewing my supplies are down and told him to "bring some beer as dont have much"...well he showed up with nothing as per normal spent all night telling me he was off down the pub to get some..and even after i had washed all the empty bottles and told him to not drink any more cos i wasnt washing anymore bottles and gave him a bottle of rum to drink he proceed to go out onto patio to make phone thing i see him drinking more HB outa the bloody a park drunk....which made me i have **** all left until latest batch matures.....feel bad saying anything to him as he has just been thru messy divorce...but after last tempted to tell him he aint welcome anymore...
do you have a mate like this....
if so how do i tell him to "fuckin bring your own" without sounding like a tight ass c**t
Tell him you don't have any beer left, and hide your supplies. If he wants to drink then, he will need to supply his own.

make a batch from the oldest home brand goo you can find and a kilo of white sugar use half of the kit yeast and ferment at 35 degrees and when he comes around tell him that this is the only beer you have.
if so how do i tell him to "fuckin bring your own" without sounding like a tight ass c**t

Give him a call and calmly and politely tell him how you feel.

Now that that tiny little piece of ivory has been outed you can probably broach the huge elephant in the room that's probably the reason he now doesn't have a wife - which Dr. Nick (plays a psycologist on the Internets) strongly suggests is a behaviour (narcissistic substance abuse with disregard to other's feelings) that needs to be modified for him to be happy.

No charge for this session :D
next time he comes let him know before hand that last time he depleted your beer stock and you must bring your own.
i wouldnt hide any beer as if he stumbled accross it hed be pretty upset about you lying to him.
get him invovled in brewing, perhaps make sunday your brew day. cleaning bottles, filling etc.
personally I'd both have a chat with him and get him to supply a batch of ingredients, this way you will feel better, he should too, and in the time he's not drinking your stocks, you can be drinking his :beerbang:

have a chat though, if he is a mate he will understand and come to the party, if not tell him to f%#k off and wipe your hands of the whole situation, life's too short to have to deal with sponges

i have a cousin/best mate like this and the ******* can drink, it used to piss me off but now i just let him go to town as i figure at least someone likes my beer plus i have now got him into bringing me over empties, i recently made a bohemian style pilsner with wyeast 3711 and it was pretty bad, one of my worst yet and he had a bottle and said this is awesome so i gave him the lot all 54 bottles and he reacted like he won the lotto :lol: i went over his house and he had put every bottle in the fridge and had stuff like butter etc in the cupboard :rolleyes: i am trying to get him into it now but i doubt he would be as regimented with sanitation as i am, just judging by the state of his house now that he is recently divorced.
I'll echo the tone what my colleague Nick JD has to say.

It's a cry for help, Cut him off. He needs to straighten himself out.
Sooner or later it's going to end badly between you, like at around two am when your both hammered and angry.

That's my totally unqualified assessment anyway - based on the mates I've known who've gone through the divorce wringer.
Some pull their shit together and power on, some seem intent to spend the rest of their lives with a chip on their shoulder and beating themselves up.
Stick a photo of his ex on the fridge; then he wont go near it anymore

maybe not a good idea, you may end up with dents in the fridge!

But more seriously, how long has he been doing it? if it's only a phase he is in support him, he probably needs a mate. Maybe push through a batch of kit and bits for when he comes over.

I think one of the "problems" about homebrewing, is others have two misconceptions:

1. That once you'd bought the gear, the beer comes virtually for free. As we all know, although home brewed beer is comparitively cheap, compared to bought beer, it's certainly not free.

2. People who have never brewed, have no idea about the time it involves. They must think the "beer fairies" do all the work.

Suggestions of involving him in the brewing process = I would plan to brew when he turns up, so he "has" to help =, and getting him to chip in $$$ for some of the ingredients.

Clearly he has a problem, and you need to decide whether or not you are going to take the time/energy to help, or whether he isn't worth it, and you remove the welcome mat.
Option 1: Talk to your friend.
Option 2 : Ask a bunch of strangers on the net
Option 1: Talk to your friend.
Option 2 : Ask a bunch of strangers on the net

but .... you can do both.
strangers in the net can point you in the right direction ... you just need to filter their advice.
Never been a fan of personal advice seeking over the internet - I think it's wrought with problems. Not the least of those is making the personal situation of people you know public. Even though aforementioned beer swilling mate is currently anonymous, the net is a public place as is this forum and if he ever read it, he could find the description a breach of trust.

If he's really a friend, you need to talk to him, not to us.
you need to talk to him.

not knowing the full story
he is going though a rough time, is he just using you for the free beers,

can you get him to pitch in and come up with some cash to get the gear and get him to help out with a few brews??

is his drinking an issue ?? we all know the liver is evil and it needs to be punished however it is a full on assault on his ??

he might just need to have his mates about while he sorts his shit out,
I would be getting him to chip in and explain that you can not afford to always supply the beers as it also costs you,

either way
good luck
a real friend... and i'm talking a real friend, I would just tell him straight to his face. No pussy-footing around with my mates... tell em how it is straight up.

This is how the conversation would go with my mates;

me: "what the f*ck! how about laying off my beer and bring some of your own you cheap c*nt!"
mate: "get f*cked, c*nt... this tastes like shit anyway... doing you a favour getting rid of it...homo!"

Next week mate turns up with beer... solved
Some pull their shit together and power on, some seem intent to spend the rest of their lives with a chip on their shoulder and beating themselves up.
and tell anyone who will listen that all women are gold diggers and shouldn't be trusted.
a real friend... and i'm talking a real friend, I would just tell him straight to his face. No pussy-footing around with my mates... tell em how it is straight up.

Exactly. The OP should read 'How do I man the **** up'.

Jesus wept, Just tell you mate he's a ******* bludger, and no more beer until he chips some back in.
Invite him around for a brew day and show him what goes into making it.
I had a mate like this and if hes anything like my ex-mate he doesnt give a shit about you and just thinks of you as the soft touch with good beer supplies!
I hope it doesnt end badly like my friendship did but at the end of the day my life was less complicated without him so he had to go.That and the fact my wallet kept going missing when he was around.Alcy's cant be trusted, id known my mate since we where kids!
Option 1: Talk to your friend.
Option 2 : Ask a bunch of strangers on the net

There's this lady at work who always checks me out and gives me a smile when we pass in the corridor .... what would be your advice about getting to know her a bit better? My big worry is that she wears a ring on her left finger but that doesent......... oops gotta post this, SWMBO is hanging around..........

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