Beer Swilling Mate

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Never been a fan of personal advice seeking over the internet - I think it's wrought with problems. Not the least of those is making the personal situation of people you know public. Even though aforementioned beer swilling mate is currently anonymous, the net is a public place as is this forum and if he ever read it, he could find the description a breach of trust.

If he's really a friend, you need to talk to him, not to us.
I dunno. He's broached the matter with his mate without success and is after advice on how to proceed. Sure, this doesn't negate your valid points above but nor do they cancel OP's need for advice on further options.

As for advice, it all depends on why you're asking. If you're worried about your mate, well, manticle's prior post is probably apt enough - you can only get anywhere talking to him about it. If you're worried about your beer, well, I guess I don't care enough to even think of anything.
Back on topic: method that's worked with my good buddy who comes round and stays every couple of weeks or so and attacks my taps mercilessly :

"Hey when you bring some beer with you, I'd really appreciate Coopers Longnecks so I can use them in bottling for comps..." Ended up with so many I recently gave heaps away :icon_cheers:
Is it a genuine financial problem with your mate or is it just a lack of thoughtfulness on his part?
There's this lady at work who always checks me out and gives me a smile when we pass in the corridor .... what would be your advice about getting to know her a bit better? My big worry is that she wears a ring on her left finger but that doesent......... oops gotta post this, SWMBO is hanging around..........
lol .....
I reckon do some brew days with him when he's up. Sounds like the guy could use a hobby to help keep his mind off things, plus he can help you wash bottles.

Either that or make sure you do a knk or cider once in awhile to keep 'sunday sessions' easy and cheap.
Thanks for all the great "advice"....put the thread on here just outa frustration when he says he's coming i always tell him to bring his drinks as i know what a dent he puts in supplies...and as he normally does he shows up empty is sota financial as he is always sort of cash from the ex missus cleaning him out/child maintenace but i think it is more just plain laziness and the old motto "she'll be right"...after his effort last night after i told him to stop drinking it i wasnt to happy this morning....have loved some of the comments
I tell a couple of my mates (ok, I only have 2 friends :unsure:) that they can't come on the premises without a six pack of something special. They know I'm joking, but they bring beer anyway!

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