Don't know why you're chasing Franko for a label...I reckon yours is really cool....
You changed the colour but didnt give him the extra legs??B)
Ok Sqyre
due to popular demand on loosing the green heres what she looks like in orange.
heres the original Bee and in Blue
I have to say that I prefer the blue one.
Hey Franko, what image size do you generally work with on the original files?
Top logo Franko!
Bonj - im sure Franko would be using Illustrator or Freehand (vector graphics) instead of photoshop. He prolly just does it up on A4, saves it as an .eps so it can be made to any image size required. Image size is more related to Photoshop.
Actually, what I'd like to know is if Franko draws those little critters from scratch or if he gets them from some kind of stock resource like "10,001 gif images for amateur graphic designers" or something. Very impressive if you do them yourself Franko. As someone else pointed out, taxonomically the wasp/bee dudes look like they belong in a class other than Insecta. At least the legs are coming out of the thorax.
Top logo Franko!
Bonj - im sure Franko would be using Illustrator or Freehand (vector graphics) instead of photoshop. He prolly just does it up on A4, saves it as an .eps so it can be made to any image size required. Image size is more related to Photoshop.
they'd "bee" (sorry) from scratch, pencil then paint brush, then scanned in....can you image a stock library having Batz's bat and Pumpys pumpkin :lol: , and as for the bee - thats definately a one off.
mainly they are all stock images most of them you need to pay for and then I manipulate the crap out of them.
Looks alright to me Rob. I'm hoping that's been compressed for the web, because there are some serious jpeg artifacts in there.