Beer Labels And Logos

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And guys!
Warb has a new sticker making machine and can turn out stickers within a few days now,I need more stickers warb!

Here you go Batz


What Program do you use Franko...
I am doing Tafe course on Paint Shop Pro..Havent mastered it yet..
Got Photoshop..Cant use that very well...
Want to get my text into middle of circles..and get the writing going the right way
on bottom of circles....
Want to get my text into middle of circles..and get the writing going the right way on bottom of circles....
you can do it in photoshop (elements at least) when you put the text in, there is a tool changes the orientation of the text. it looks like a T with a curved arrow under it.
Here you go Batz


Thanks Franko
Can you do the Batz Brewery one so I can had my own beer types,I brew more than just Far Kin Ale :lol:

Just a snippet of Franko's work


Great stuff Franko :beerbang:

Batz Logo is the Best !!!!!! :)

Well Almost ;)

Geez Batz. For a moment I thought that was a window behind your bar!!!! :eek:

That's a photo of my place from a nearby lookout.
It's just as good lookig out the window :beerbang:

Batz Logo is the Best !!!!!! :)

Well Almost )


You should start a poll on who has the best logo Pumpy ;)

No perhaps you better not :lol: :lol:

we all know who produces the best logos if nothin else ....
You should start a poll on who has the best logo Pumpy ;)

No perhaps you better not :lol

You know I always stuff up a good poll :rolleyes:

I think Sqyre has one of the really original labels


Hey Franko, just wondering if I'm still on the list when you get the time? No rush, and no pressure. Purely wondering if you still had me there.
My effort for the Big Brew Day Belgian
If only the % was a touch higher!
There is some great logos on here. Batz, Pumpys and Docs are all simple yet great. I would swear they belong to actual breweries, albeit smaller boutique ones. That said, I guess they do eh?! haha.

I hope mine can be half as good as some of the ones on here. Well, i'm off to nag the Mrs to finish it.
Hey Franko, just wondering if I'm still on the list when you get the time? No rush, and no pressure. Purely wondering if you still had me there.

Still got you on there Josh,
I should hopefully statrt on it very soon and post a few newies on here

also not wanting to rush ya or anything franko but just checkin that my name is on that list of yours somewhere...

no hurry at all good things come to those who wait