Beer Labels And Logos

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You know I always stuff up a good poll :rolleyes:

I think Sqyre has one of the really original labels


Thanks pumpy,

Just found your post...

Hope you can make another trek up for the December QLD case swap.. :party:

Just made a new brewery logo. :D

I don't see anything big or fat about that young lady!

Yeah, I know.... but do you know how hard it is to find clipart that specific? :lol:
I can lend you some tracing paper.... then all you need to is to go down to Booval ;)


It's funny 'cause it's true...
i had the perfect pic for you posted in the Birthday drinks Topic...unfortuantly it had incider's head and one of the Moderators finally found it and removed it...I don't want to push my luck posting it again.. :D

Not to mention that this is usually where i jump in and make a comment about Mrs Sqyre posing for your Logo..but she's been a bit fragile of late.. being up the duff and i will refrain and hopefully save my balls from been squashed...(in the unpleasnt kinda way..)

Sqyre... ;) ..

(on the straight and narrow..)
Not to mention that this is usually where i jump in and make a comment about Mrs Sqyre posing for your Logo..but she's been a bit fragile of late.. being up the duff and i will refrain and hopefully save my balls from been squashed...(in the unpleasnt kinda way..)

Sounds like you wont need them for a while anyway Squire :lol:

You need to put them on the internet somewhere. Either in your AHB gallery or somewhere else. Then you edit your signature and add the "URL". A URL is basically the address where your image is stored. URL stands for Universal Resource Locator (or something like that... just say URL). There is a special tag for use in the signature which is:
[imrright] [/imrright] or [imrleft][/imrleft]
(depending on whether you want it on the right or left of your sig.

To find the address (URL) of your image, you need to right click on it after it has been uploaded somewhere, and click "copy image location". Then you can paste it into your signature between the tags I mentioned above.

If you have more problems, send me a PM, and I'll work through it with you.

edit: added code tags to get the tags to show up.
Revision 2. Still needs some work. Smaller text is a bit hard to read at this resolution.


edit: added original for comparison.
Revision 2. Still needs some work. Smaller text is a bit hard to read at this resolution.


edit: added original for comparison.

Looks the goods, use the original text and start colouring in.

PoMo EDIT: removed image.

Looks the goods, use the original test and start colouring in.


I assume you mean to use the "fat" one. I should have clarified that the image on the right is the revised version. I do plan on colouring in, and someother experiments too.

Somewhere way back there was a thread on why your brewery is called what it is or something along those lines.

My imagination is working overtime...
Somewhere way back there was a thread on why your brewery is called what it is or something along those lines.

My imagination is working overtime...

I'm not sure I want to be imagining that ;)