'battle Of The Toucans'

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Download IanH k&k spread sheet it will do a lot of the work for you.

Coopers European Lager
Coopers Canadian Blonde
180g Carapils - Steeped
25g Oz Saaz - dry hopped
S-189 Swiss Lager yeast

Filled to 20L - OG=1050
Been sitting in the garage between 11-14c. Not too worried about the swing, and it's tasting promising for a toucan lager.
Currently down to 1012.
Drank this last night, and I'm pretty pleased with it. In fact it's one of the best kit brews I've done in a long time.
I'd say it's close to a German Lager, and would go well in a stein. As the Canadian Blonde kit is pretty lowly hopped, toucanning it makes the bitterness spot on.
A bit undercarbed, but I'm hoping time will fix that. For the moment, a vigorous pouring gets the head.
Can't remember what it finished at, but it's around 5.9% in the bottle.
Hi guys! just wanted to get your opinion on my latest creation!

1x Coopers Mexican Cerveza
1x Coopers Australian Pale Ale
1x Brewcraft #10
400g dextrose
12g Super Alpha hops
24g Cascade hops
Both the yeasts from under the lids

Laid down on Saturday arvo, and currently bubbling away in my hot box at 22 degrees.

Was thinking of dryhopping some more Cascade this coming thursday.

What ABV did this attain? Got one in the fermenter now and I forgot to take a SG reading... <_<

Still waiting for this sucka to drop below 1.020... Day 12 and it's still on 1.025. Just read Acasta's post regarding exploding bottles and am now rightly terrified of bottling to early. Patience is always worth having, especially when the beer is good and nobody cops flying glass in the face.
S-04 as called for in the recipe. I did change a few things... used 500g of DME instead of a kilo, and a little less hops and liqourice to balance...
You could try rousing the yeast to knock it down a few points. There are plenty of threads on that, just search for "stuck fermentation".
Ya, I've been doing just that over the last two days. One more go today and then I'll take another reading and see what's going on.
Have you thought about moving the brew into a secondary fermenter?

I don't have one just yet! I'm starting to realise that it's kinda a must. I'm only on my third brew and thought I could avoid it for a while, but seeing as i like big beers and my last 2 have taken ages to drop, I might have to splash out next pay...
I don't have one just yet! I'm starting to realise that it's kinda a must. I'm only on my third brew and thought I could avoid it for a while, but seeing as i like big beers and my last 2 have taken ages to drop, I might have to splash out next pay...

Look i would not consider it a must, but they do have there advantages, care must also be taken during the transfer process, having said that i have had some sucess motivating a few bigger beers to chew through the last few points. They can become useful when you are trying to condition/age batches in bulk. I would rate things like consistant tempreture control and qaulity yeasts over a secondary vessel.

My 2c.

Hey guys, this one should give you a laugh.

I decided to make a Toucan for my father for christmas and went with the Goats Scrotum style, the old boy likes liquorice and Ginger!
1x can Coopers Stout
1x can Coopers Dark Ale
1kg Coopers #2
70grams Honey

Let that Krausen it's head off for two days then added-
100 grams boiled Liquorice
50 grams Cocoa powder
100 grams Ginger root (chopped into about inch sized cubes, boiled)
18 grams Cinnamon

The taste out of the fermenter after those was similar to medicine hahahaha. Will be interesting to see how it turns out after a few months in the bottle.
Best i can figure out alcohol content should be around 8%.

Feel free to call me stupid names :lol:
Hey guys, this one should give you a laugh.

I decided to make a Toucan for my father for christmas and went with the Goats Scrotum style, the old boy likes liquorice and Ginger!
1x can Coopers Stout
1x can Coopers Dark Ale
1kg Coopers #2
70grams Honey

Let that Krausen it's head off for two days then added-
100 grams boiled Liquorice
50 grams Cocoa powder
100 grams Ginger root (chopped into about inch sized cubes, boiled)
18 grams Cinnamon

The taste out of the fermenter after those was similar to medicine hahahaha. Will be interesting to see how it turns out after a few months in the bottle.
Best i can figure out alcohol content should be around 8%.

Feel free to call me stupid names :lol:
Haven't tried liquorice yet, but I wouldn't be scared off by the medicinal flavour just yet. It could be one that ages well. Looks like it'll have a good alcoholic kick to it!
I'm thinking of doing a "normal" (ie, non dark beer) toucan beer using the basic cheap Coopers tins.
My question is between the lager, draught and Real ale tins, is there a combination between these three that you wouldn't recommend? I'm not adding extra hops or fermentables.
Just threw down a toucan to get into the spirit of things:

Coopers Mexican
Coopers Canadian
Challenger Hops - 20g quick boil with some dex, and strained into fermenter (6 mins)
S-04 yeast

No OG reading taken.
Bubbling away nicely. Will report back in due course. :beerbang:

I'm thinking of doing a "normal" (ie, non dark beer) toucan beer using the basic cheap Coopers tins.
My question is between the lager, draught and Real ale tins, is there a combination between these three that you wouldn't recommend? I'm not adding extra hops or fermentables.

did a toucan coopers draught a bit rough but 6 months in the bottle it mellowed out, would reconmend the apa or dark as toucon personally.
I'm thinking of doing a "normal" (ie, non dark beer) toucan beer using the basic cheap Coopers tins.
My question is between the lager, draught and Real ale tins, is there a combination between these three that you wouldn't recommend? I'm not adding extra hops or fermentables.

I did a toucan with the real ale and lager tins (was base for by all chinook apa from memory). Good beer in the end but the real ale was pretty damn bitter if i recall....didn't seem too bad in the final beer and it has aged very very well (what is left of it). Used the draught tin back in my k&k days and wasn't the best...then again for toucaning who cares really provided its roughly suitable to style its just cheap malt you are after anyway....
How good is beer?

Joined up not long ago after liam_snorkel suggested so and have never looked back..

This is my second toucan, the first one is bottled away and will let you know...

Did this one today-

Ballantyne's Dark Lager Toucan

1 x coopers dark ale
1 x coles lager
160g of dex
18 litres
OG - 105
3 packs of yeast (2 coop, 1 coles )

going to be pretty bitter so might add some hallertau hops after a few days,maybe

will report how it turns out, best enjoyed around xmas i think
Euro-Can Lager
Coopers European Lager
Coopers Canadian Blonde
180g Carapils - Steeped
25g Oz Saaz - dry hopped
S-189 Swiss Lager yeast

Filled to 20L - OG=1050, FG=1010 Brewed between 11-14c
Went terribly in the Castle Hill comp - comments like "not a pleasant beer at all", "could've been an apa".... wrong category i guess!
Still, for a toucan lager, I think this has turned out pretty bloody well. It's no AG Boho Pils, but its a great quaffer... hopefully I can make it last till summer.

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