I was looking to do the following:
1 * Coopers Dark ale
1 * Coopers Australian pale ale
1 * be2
probably 500g brown sugar.
How do you reckon this would turn out? I havent read all 22 pages of this thread, so please forgive me if this one has been discussed already!
Any idea of what alc% I should be expecting?I've done a few toucans with the dark ale and the euro lager which have come out quite nice. The pale ale and euro lager have the same IBU so you will get something fairly similar. I just add 200-300g of crystal and ferment with Windsor, this adds/leaves enough sweetness to cut back the bitterness a bit. There's some malt in that BE2 of yours which will help in that respect but not having used brown sugar in a brew I can't advise what effect that will have. You have a bit of fermentables there but mine is probably a bit low on the alc% for a porter style anyway. I reckon do it.
Any idea of what alc% I should be expecting?
Any idea of what alc% I should be expecting?
I was intending on using both kit yeasts, or pitch on top of the yeast cake from the coopers "lager" I have going at present.
I get 6.12% with the brown sugar and 5.3% without. The yeasts with all those kits will be the same strain, as the packs are small even two packs could be a bit light on, pitching on the yeastcake sounds like a good option, just watch out as it will probably take off and generate a high krausen.
Edit: add 0.5% or whatever for priming sugar
I did use those quantities for the BE2 and Beersmith gave me OG 1063 FG 1016 ABV 6.12% (would then need to add 0.5% for priming sugar if not kegged)How did you get those alcohol percentages. Did you use the BE2 as 500g dextrose, 250g dried malt extract and 250g maltodex.?
And the pale ale kit has a different yeast, it is an ale/lager blend.
Whether or not his lager yeast is different to the Pale Ale yeast depends on which coopers 'lager' he is using. Linky
My first statement regarding the yeast probably was a bit too broadsweeping.
I did use those quantities for the BE2 and Beersmith gave me OG 1063 FG 1016 ABV 6.12% (would then need to add 0.5% for priming sugar if not kegged)
Would be curious to get someone else to confirm which of us is correct.
Whether or not his lager yeast is different to the Pale Ale yeast depends on which coopers 'lager' he is using. Linky
My first statement regarding the yeast probably was a bit too broadsweeping.
I think the difference must be coming from the figures we use for each ingredient.
From my beersmith:
Kits/liquid malt extract 1.035
DME 1.044
Dextrose/brown sugar 1.046
Maltodextrin is set up as an miscellaneous so I think it doesn't add anything in for gravity, but this shouldn't affect the alc% calcuation as it doesn't really make any alcohol.
I may need to start comparing actual gravities with the estimated a bit more. The above figures tend to be an estimate from a range anyway. I'm not that concerned with the alc% of my own beers anyway but perhaps I'll refrain from calculating % for others unless I check the calibration.
I was looking to do the following:
1 * Coopers Dark ale
1 * Coopers Australian pale ale
1 * be2
probably 500g brown sugar.
How do you reckon this would turn out? I havent read all 22 pages of this thread, so please forgive me if this one has been discussed already!
Cherry Stout toucan ???
Coopers Stout + Coopers IPA
500g Wheat Malt
500g Raw Sugar
Nottingham yeast
2x cans of Coles Black Cherries and juice mashed with potato masher and added after 4 days.
( heard that sour cherries work better than sweet ones but they are not ready available in supermarkets )
SG is reading 1.020 presently but looks like it has stopped.
tasted the hydro sample and could not detect any hint of cherry at all Oh well.
Leave it in the fermenter longer and see if the SG drops some more and picks up a bit of cherry.
This thread is really informative but a little overwhelming to read also
I just need a bit a advice... I have 3 brews under my belt and they have all turned out really well.
But I had a mate gave me a can of coopers stout and a can of coopers Australian pale ale.
Would these be OK to make a toucan brew? If so do I use both yeast sachets?
And should I add some dextrose and anything else like malt extract.
Any help from you brew gurus out there would be really appreciated